Chapter 4

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Caitlyn's POV

I woke up with a groan as the sun poured in through the curtains, my comfortable sleep disturbed by the sudden increase in light. I tried to turn away from the blinding rays but somehow I couldn't, it felt like I was being held back by someone. There was a line of warmth running down the back of my body and around my waist, it was so comfortable that I almost sighed happily. It took a second for the panic to hit me, at which point I snapped my eyes open and began to internally freak out.

I felt my heart race as I considered the possibility that I'd been kidnapped. There were arms around my waist and they seemed to belong to a man, but I couldn't for the life of me remember falling asleep the previous night with someone spooning me in a bed. My eyes widened suddenly, another unnecessarily terrifying thought popping up in my head; I was going to die.

I was only 17, I was too young to die!

I turned my head to the side, attempting to see the face of the person behind me, and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it was only Paul. I'd been panicking, thinking I'd been kidnapped and would most likely be tortured then killed, only to find out that the man holding me, was actually my best friend . . . maybe I was dramatic.

I froze suddenly, eyebrows bunching together as I tried to recall the events of the previous night. I had no memory of falling asleep in a bed, with Paul next to me. That was something I would have definitely remembered.

I decided to look around at my surroundings, wanting to see if I could figure out where I was. Upon seeing the stack of books on the bedside table next to a grey lamp, the black wooden desk in the corner near the window, and the light grey walls with dark purple canvas prints decorating them, I deduced that I was in the guest bedroom at Jacob's house. The room had a beautiful deep purple, silver, and black colour scheme. There were purple and silver bed sheets, a soft, jet black carpet, a black desk in the corner near the window with glass drawer knobs, silver flower vases with glittery, fake, silver and purple flowers on the 2 bedside table and on the windowsill, and of course the black and purple curtains that had not been drawn the night before, therefore letting in the blinding sunlight. The room had been Rebecca's originally but when she left to go to college, it stayed empty, rarely ever being used except for when I stayed over or Rebecca returned for a visit.

I turned back to Paul when he made a quiet snuffling noise in his sleep, a fond smile stretching onto my face at the sight of him. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. I felt Paul sigh in his sleep, before snuggling closer and burying his face further into the crook of my neck. The movement caused me to try and squirm away from Paul, the strange sensation caused by his light stubble, tickling the skin of my neck uncomfortably. I could feel his hot breath fanning across the back of my neck, both tickling me and giving me goosebumps.

My eyes scanned over Paul's features, unable to resist the rare opportunity to ogle him to my heart's content. Usually whenever I took the chance to stare at Paul, he was either already looking at me or he ended up looking at me not long after. It wasn't often that I had the chance to look at him without him noticing and then teasing me about it. I saw that his precious hair was a mess and I knew that if he'd been awake, he would've been rushing to fix it.

His arm suddenly tightened around my waist as he tugged me closer to him. The grip was restricting my movement quite a lot, and I was glad I didn't desperately need to use the toilet because I would've had a hard time getting out of Paul's hold. While his grip was tight, it wasn't tight enough to suffocate me and for that I was thankful. Paul was a pretty strong guy and he could've easily crushed me in his sleep without even realising it.

I squinted my eyes as the sun continued to assault them, and internally cursed at Paul for not drawing the curtains the night before. Unable to keep my eyes open any longer I closed them and mentally sighed in relief. That felt much better.

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