Chapter 5

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Two Months Later

A lot has happened in 2 months. Bella almost got hit by a car but Edward saved her, she nearly got attacked by some guys and Edward saved her yet again, there have been some murders in the woods which have worried me deeply but I'm trying not to focus on it, Bella knows Edward is a vampire, she also got attacked by a vampire called James. I visited her at the hospital a while ago and she looked horrible. I know what happened between her and Edward but I know his self control has improved vastly now. Bella is now 18? There was an issue at her party. I mean I should know, I was there when Jasper lost control and nearly attacked Bella. Edward left and Bella became depressed for a while. She still is. He's been back to see me and check up on how Bella's doing but he's never confronted her. Jacob and Bella have been hanging out more and she's getting a bit better so that's really good. They're fixing up some bikes I think. Apparently she's into that sort of stuff now which is weird but I'm just happy Jacob's helping her.

In my life however, the only -significant- thing that has happened is that Paul and Embry have also left me.

I used to think Paul loved me. That even though it wasn't the kind of love I felt for him, he still loved me. How stupid had I been to believe he cared?!

After that day at my house; I haven't had a proper conversation with Paul. First he kept lashing out at me even though he never does that. He'd always apologise after and I'd forgive him but then one day he just stopped talking to me all together! He started hanging out with Jared and Sam. He hated Sam! Even Jared did but Paul had some sort of intense hatred for the guy and now he's hanging out with him?! It makes no sense! Embry's gone with them too and the worst part is that I know the rest of the boys are next. Jake seems to be getting mad a lot lately and the fact that Sam and his gang keep looking at him and Quil all the time infuriates him even more! I know I'm gunna lose them all. I should distance myself from them a bit, so I won't be so attached when they leave. Then they won't have to yell and curse at me to get me off their backs. Embry's little 'speech' -though it stung- didn't hurt nearly as much as Jared or Paul's. Embry told me that he couldn't be friends with me anymore. That he had better friends and he didn't want me around. It stung. A lot. It still does from time to time but I've learnt not to show it. Though Paul's words broke me. I don't even care what the others say now, it's like my heart doesn't even work anymore. I can't feel any more broken than I already am so who cares what they say? Paul was a jerk to me. The total opposite of how he'd usually treat me.


I smiled when I saw Paul outside the school building. I quickly jogged over to him in excitement, hoping he was in a good mood instead of the ones he had been in the past few days. The smile fell from my face when I saw him with Jared but I ignored the warning bells in my head telling me to leave. Instead I walked right up to them and stupidly started talking.

"Hey Paul" I smiled up at him, flinching back when his eyes met mine.

He looked angry, annoyed and . . . disgusted? Why?!

I almost cried at the look he was giving me but I pushed the tears back and looked at him in fear.

Is he going to leave me like Jared did?!

"Caitlyn," he growled. It was almost animalistic.

He never calls me Caitlyn. Always Cait.

"Listen, we can't be friends anymore. Don't ever come near me. Got it?" He growled angrily, his eyes showing that he meant what he said.

His eyes at one point became pained and regretful but he masked those emotions before I could even blink.

"Yes" I whispered, pained by his actions.

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