Chapter 11

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It's been a few days since I last talked to Bella. All I've done is go to school, be lazy and avoid the boys whenever I see them. I haven't ran into them at school these past few days. I've seen them but I always walk off in the opposite direction before they get a chance to see me. And whenever I get home they never seem to be there so I guess I've gotten quite lucky these past few days . . .

I know Bella wants to me to try and fight for Paul but I can't. She wants me to stay hopeful about him but I can't do that either. If there was something to build on then I would, but he doesn't even say hi to me without backtracking! It's like whenever he does or says something remotely nice to me, he does something twic as bad to make up for it. It's as if he can't afford to be nice to me, so when he is, he does something bad to show me that we are not on good terms. If he can't even nicely say hi to me, then I can say for sure that he definitely doesn't love me.

I just feel so lousy though; because I actually want to see him, Jared and Embry. I'm so pathetic! They want nothing to do with me and here I am wishing to see their faces. I really need help.

*Bell Rings*

Yes!! End of school!

I rushed out of the class, running down the hall to my locker to get my books.

I sadly got homework from my History class this morning so I had to take my textbook home, but of course I dropped it off at my locker during break, since I obviously don't like carrying them around unnecessarily. The only things I really keep with me in my bag are some tampons (in case of emergencies), my phone, my lunch money and a few pens. Everything else I just get during break or lunch.

I shoved all my unnecessary books into my locker, pulling out my history homework and text book. Shutting my locker, I turned around, ready to leave but obviously someone just had to crash into me.

"Jerk" I yelled at the retreating figure.

Asshole didn't even have the decency to apologise!

I kneeled down, my face turned towards my locker as I collected my books and papers.

Suddenly a harsh pain in my ankle had me screaming in pain.

Someone stood on my ankle!!

I shrieked in pain, turning around and hugging my leg to my chest and rubbing my throbbing ankle to try and alleviate some of the pain, though sadly it didn't help.

"Babe what's wrong?!" A voice yelled, effectively drawing my attention towards him.

I looked up and my eyes widened in surprise as I acknowledged Paul, Jared and Embry's worried gazes.

I turned to Paul and opened my mouth to answer but changed my mind.

I am not talking to him!

I glared and looked down to hide the pain induced tears that were welling up in my eyes.

My ankle hurts so much! I bet whoever stepped on it did it intentionally. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Everyone at this fucking school likes to torture me!

"Caity are you ok?" Jared's concerned voice filtered into my ears and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Of course I'm not ok! Don't you see me writhing in pain?!"

Crap. I meant to say that in my head. Not out loud! I was planning to ignore them! Stupid stupid stupid!!

"Here I'll help you up" Paul offered, standing up and holding out his hand for me to take.

"I don't need your help!" I growled icily, leaning against the lockers to pull myself up, grabbing my stuff and hopping off towards the nurse's office.

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