Ash senpai brocken arc and meet

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"wdym ur breaking up with me kitten.. 😭!" says ash-senpai. "shut up kys ur ugly no one licks u 😂 " says mean eiji. Eiji is ugly and also eiji is bad and knife-kun is better than eijij. "Now get out this is not even you house 😡" sayes eiji (meanly). Ash is getted out of the house and now homeless. Eiji so hartless. Ash goes walks over to the cafey. Ash sit down and orders cofay. he sits down on tabl. 

he was so brocken and lost and no home. Ashes little omega kicked him out 😭 😭 💔 ash didnt do anything eiji is mean and ugly and mean. Also eiji caca.

"h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-he-heh--hehehhe-heyyy" saids very cute knife-cum (cutly) and sits down nect to ash. "w-w-why do u look so depressed 😭 😭 😢" says knife-kun (cutly not menly like ejij) "mi omega kick me out and mi homaless 😭" say ash but not cry becuz he alpha. "you c-c-c-um-can like with me senpai!!!" saids knife-kun cutly. ash look at knife and ash eyes sporkle. "really??? would you really do that?? for mi??? " ash say with this look on his on his fac:🥺


"y-y-y-y-yes!!" say knife-cum. Ash and knife kun stand up and they stand up. (Ash is 7'3 cause hes alpha and knife cun is 3'8 cuz hes omega 😂cute) "what is ur name senpai-kun" ask knife kun like cutely not like eiji. "it is ash my little omega. but call me ash-senpai or als 👿" sayed ash. knife kun blush and sayed "y-y-y-y-yes ash-kun!!" 

they walk to knife kun rich place because hes rich with a rich house and not poor like aji. they open big front gat and go to the front door but infront of the front door is standing someone who they would have never axpected................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Like this fanfic or gay. also this is serius. 😒 gonna continue this so dont worry also i know you want me to continue it and lick it 😂 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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