gift of life

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Of course the beginning of this story was when I was born. I was born in the crisp air of the middle of October near midnight. Childbirth isn't beautiful as you can imagine but to my mother I was the most extravagant person that she had ever gazed her eyes upon, even if I was covered in blood and screaming so loud I could've made someone death.
My mother was young when she had me at the ripe age of 17, of course you had people who would look down at that sort of thing but my mother didn't care, she was quite proud. Afterall, it was only her taking care of herself no one else ,so she did quite good for herself and an even better job with being pregnant and no one to help her those last 9 dreadful months of being like a balloon waiting to pop.

Her name was sunny. I guess it was kind of over used with so many being called that ,but it does sound beautiful though doesn't it? Her hair was a deep angry red with her face being decorated with the most passionate bright green eyes in existence.
All together she was a beautiful, young, proud woman who I was proud to call my mother. Whereas my father let's just say he wasn't around, just did his business with my mother and left for his vacation and didn't come back.
However I looked completely different , excusing the blood you could see small tufts of hair that shined blonde and my eyes shmmering bright blue from the hospital lights. My vision was blurry at first and it continued to be like that until it eventually went away a few months after being born.

Of course as you would expect looking after a newborn it can be quite hectic. Having to be woken up several times in the middle of the night to a hopeless human being that depends solely on you for warmth, food , hygiene and most of all love. Even though it annoyed my mother having to be woken up from a really good dream she never regretted having me... maybe once or twice.
She worked at a coffee shop called Green Lake, and in a couple of years would be managing it since it was run by a sweet old lady called merideth who I called nana in the short time we had with her.
We lived in England near the town called bibury. It it quite cosy and has a warm atmosphere.

I was filled with that childhood innocence that protected me from the pain of society that will come to hit me full force when I become older , and I wouldn't be able to stop it. I was always told I was gifted since I did things faster or I was smarter than the kids my age, but honestly I think I was just faster at understanding it ,and being called gifted was just a lie. I started to see the world more clearly as I got older for what it really was. It made you realise that you can't trust no one even your own friends.
I remember one instance was with my best friend, well used-to be best friend, her name was Emma. She spread rumours about me in school calling me a weirdo and spreading lies about me. The only good thing about this situation was that it was the last few weeks of school so I could handle it since I wouldn't be seeing anyone from class when we were finished. I never did get to know why she did that maybe one day I'll know, hopefully.

By the way my name is ava.

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