chapter 2

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Mick had texted me the morning after our meet up at the park. We had decided on going to this cozy not so known cafe in the city center. I wasn't feeling as nervous this time. It felt more like I was meeting with an older version of the boy that I grew up with. I got ready in a comfortable but stylish outfit and started walking to our meeting place. I wouldn't have imagined that I would meet up with Mick after the reunion, but here we were.

The walk there took about 15 minutes. This time I was on time and not late like yesterday. I entered the Café that we used to hang out at when we still were in school together. I still remember all the afternoons where the six of us would sit here for hours. I said hi to the owners and walked over to the table where Mick was already sitting.

-Oh hi Carla, Mick said as he got up to give me a hug.

-Hey Mick, I replied hugging him back. I've missed this place. It's been so long since I last was here. Maybe that's because of me moving away and studying. After all that's happend I just needed to get out of here.

I laughed slightly and I could see that Mick already was listening to me while I spoke. He was always such a good listener. That's why I loved being able to speak to him when I was down.

-I know right I loved when we used to hang out here, he said with his eyes sparkling. So you go to uni? What do you study?

I told Mick about my passion for journalism. It was something that had grown over the last years of school. I had always loved writing pieces, but when I tried writing articles it was just love.

-I knew you would always end up doing something like that, he said as the waitress came up to us.

We both decided on some dessert and coffee. This place had the best cakes and dessert. That was mainly the reason we came her so often as kids.

-I probably shouldn't tell my trainer this, he whispered under his breath.

-What did you say? I asked.

-Oh nothing, he laughed. So I know you were kind of mad about me leaving, but how was life afterwards? What did I miss?

-Oh Mick kind of mad that's an understatement, I laughed. You know it was really hard. We had been friends for so long and th-then slowly my life just fell apart step by step.

-I-I'm sorry Carla, he said putting his hand on mine. Wanna talk about it?

-So you left which meant that Gabe and Jack started hanging more and more with other people, I started. Then my parents started fight a lot and all the time. Which lead to them getting a divorce and then I only lived with my mom. So I was quite a lot at one.

-Hey I'm so sorry, he said looking at me softly with his blue eyes. If I would have been a better friend i would have reached out.

Just as I was about to reply the owner of the cafe came over with our orders. He looked just as happy as when we just to be here back in the days. He put down the plates and muggs infront of us. We had orded what we always orded so he just looked at us and placed them know who's was who's.

-I didn't think I would ever get my favorite customers back, the owner said smiling lovingly. And I never thought that Mick would have time to come back here.

The owner walked off and left us ther with our food. I looked at him confused not understanding the owners comment.

-Oh have time to come back? I asked laughingly. What are you some international superstar or something?

-Well erm I maybe wouldn't call it international superstar, he said swallowing. Let me take it from the beginning, okay?

Mick started out with telling me about his karting career. I knew that Mick had been good at karting and that he had been at international competitions, but I didn't really think more of it. He told me that motorsport was in his family.

- I know you know me as Mick Betsch, he said looking down. That was just a cover though.

My head was in chock. It was as if the guy that I had known wasn't him. I mean it was still the same guy with the same personality, but everything was just different. But that wasn't all.

-See my actual name is Mick Schumacher as of the son to the seven time Formula 1 world champion, he said shyly still looking down now fidgeting with his hands..

I was in chock. I couldn't believe that all this time he had been lying about his name to all of us.

-Why didn't you just tell us? I asked trying to understand his view.

-Both in school and in karting I went under my mother's maiden name so I wouldn't grab attention, he explained. All I wanted was to be a normal kid, with friends who didn't what to hang out with me because of my dad.

-Okay I see why you did it now, I replied. But what do you do nowadays?

He started laughing almost spitting out his coffee on me. He tried so hard to keep the drink in his mouth his face started to turn red. I sat there confused about his outburst of laughter. His laugh though was just as it used to be when we used to hang out.

-Okay okay, he said when had collected himself. Oh Carla I'm a Formula 1 driver just like my dad.


Childhood Memories - Mick SchumacherWhere stories live. Discover now