chapter 3

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-Okay okay, he said when he had collected himself. Oh Carla I'm a Formula 1 driver just like my dad.

I was in chock. I couldn't belive that he hadn't told all of us this and that I hadn't noticed. I sat there probably with my mouth straight up open in chock.

-Wow I was joking when I said international superstar but hey look at you, was the first thing I could say. Well I always knew you were a good karter, but I had now idea that you were that good.

We laughed, both of us.

-It felt weird to continue hiding everything after I saw you again yesterday, he said now serious again. And I just knew that I had to tell you about everything.

-Well I appreciate that, I said looking at him friendly. You know I'm proud of you. I always knew you were going to do big things. Now tell me everything that I missed in your life.

Excited I listened to Mick talking about his career. My dad had watched Formula One so I knew what I was, but that was about it. He told me about him going through the junior categories and how he even won some. He told me about his biggest achievement so far other than getting into Formula One, his Formula Two championship win.

I was amazed by everything he had done in the years after he left. I sat there asking questions and he gladly answered them to help me understand.

-So when the next race? I asked interested.

-It's in two weeks in Imola, he answered. You know if you ever wanted to come to a race just say so. I could get you a paddock pass.

-That would be so cool, I said excited. I mean if it isn't to much to ask for after all these years.

-No not at all, he said smiling. It's on me. I'm the one who left.

We continued speaking to eachother for a while and finishing the food we had ordered earlier. The conversation flowed flawlessly and it was as if no time had flown by. We laughed at least as much as we used to back in the days. Everything felt kind of right when speaking to Mick. When we were about to pay and leave he said:

-No it's fine it's on me Carla.

-Are you sure? I asked not wanting to make him pay.

-It's fine, he said paying for both of us.

-Let me at least walk you to your hotel, I said as we both of us stood up to put on our coats.

-Okay, Mick answered with a smile.

We passed by the owner of the cozy cafe and said bye before walking out on the street. The cool air hit us as it only was April and the warmth hadn't arrived yet. Without thinking about it we walked close to another, generating some body heat. We walked past a few playgrounds we had played at as kids, the river where we used to spend hours at after school and the tree where I had some of my first memories with him. It felt very special walking this trail with him and reliving some memories.

We walked to the center of the small city making some light conversation on the way. I think both of us just enjoyed being in the others presence. When we started arriving to the hotel where Mick was staying I started slowing down. He slowly turned around to look at me.

-Pl-please tell me you won't disappear again, I said trying not to show my emotions. I don't think I could take that.

-Hey Carla no no, he said taking my wrist. You're gonna come to Imola and watch me race and then we will continue to keep contact.

His reassurance made me feel better. I looked up at him meeting his beautiful blue eyes.

-Okay, I said low. Do you still have the same number or-

-Here, he said laughingly handing me his phone. Had to change a couple of times since we were 14.

-Yeah I can imagine, I said as we laughed and said goodbye.

-So I guess I'll see you in Imola? He asked right before walking off.

-Yes absolutely I wouldn't miss this for anything, I said trying to imagine what it would be like.

-Well I'll see you in two weeks, Mick said before entering the hotel.

A deep breath left my mouth. I had stood there almost holding my breath the whole time outside the hotel. I started walking back to my old place and felt some nerves lifting. It had been fun hanging out with Mick today, but I was still a bit nervous around him.


Childhood Memories - Mick SchumacherWhere stories live. Discover now