chapter 1

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Being back where you grew up can be fun and bring back loads of memories. That wasn't the case when I for the first time in years was back. They had set up a class reunion from school. It would be the first time I saw my old classmates since our graduation. I was never that popular, but I had my set of friends. Well, that was until all of it slowly fell apart. I had considered not going to this event for months, but somehow my mom convinced me that it would be fun. I was looking forward to one thing though. Seeing Julie, my best friend.

After our graduation we sadly split up. We were going to diffrent universities and since then we had been really busy. We still called eachother, but this would be the first time actually reuniting. I guessed that's the thing with these events. Julie was there for me when my life fell apart and since those days I have always been grateful for her.

As I started walking up to my old school I could feel the nerves kicking in. I hadn't had a great relationship with most of my other classmates and I didn't really know if my old friends would come. As soon as I walked through the doors I was hit with a known smell. It was a mix of old building and rubber. It was only now that I started wondering why it smelled like this. I continued to the old gym. In there I was met by many familiar faces. I wandered around the room until I found Emma.

-No way! I said as I walked up and hugged my old friend. I didn't know you would be here.

-I didn't know you would be here, Emma said back. Have you met anyone else yet?

-No I just arrived, I said taking another glance across the room.

-Well I don't know if you want to hear this but I heard that you know who will be here tonight, she said taking a sip from her soda.

I slightly froze. This was what I was afraid of. Back during the school days we were a group of six. It was me, Julie, Emma, Gabriel aka Gabe, Jack and Mick. We had been inseparable almost since kindergarden. Just before we would start high school though Mick left without telling anyone and that split our group. It was never the same again. The other two guys more often started hanging out with other people and when we finally hung out all together we often got into fights. Mick had been the glue of our group and when he left everything started falling apart for me. I never knew why he left and I never forgave him for leaving. Not that I had talked to him since then.

I continued talking to Emma for a while until we found the other guys. We joined their conversation and we started reliving old childhood memories. It was wild being back with the gang. I knew some of them had moved like me to study and some of them stayed here or started working. I myself was in my last year of university. I had taken an off year to travel after graduation which meant that I was kind of a year behind the others.

We continued discussing our new lives and what it was like for a good half an hour. I decided to go get some more soda at the buffet. There wast that many people around the table so I took my opportunity. At the table I took a plastic mug and started to pour some more soda into the cup. When I turned around I couldn't see where the others were. I decided to go looking for them in the crowds with people. When I started walking I was met by a hard chest. I fell to the ground at the contact and spilled most of the soda.

-Oh shoot I'm sorry I didn't see you, the voice said reaching out its hand. Wait, Carla is it you?

When he said my name I directly realized who it was, Mick. I swallowed hard and stood up without his help.

-Oh hi Mick, I said trying to sound nice. I'm sorry I need to get back to someone. It was nice seeing you.

I tried walking off, but before I could go anywhere Mick put his hand on my arm.

-Wait Carla please, he said looking at me with the blue eyes that I still remember. I've been trying to find you tonight. I actually wanted to talk to you.

-Mick if you that badly want to talk why don't you explain why you left me... uh us without saying anything, I said raising my voice.

-Look I'm really sorry about that, he started. But can we not here. I found would like to clear the air let's meet later tonight at that park we alway used to hang out at. Let's say 11pm.

-Yeah whatever, I said finally walking off.

My goal with tonight was not running into Mick and now that I had done it all I could feel was those emotions from all those years ago coming back. I had had enough of tonight and started pacing out of the old school building. I couldn't stay and feel trapped in there for one more minute. I had felt trapped in there all my childhood, I couldn't stand it anymore.

Leading up to 11pm I didn't know if I would go. I didn't know if I could stand there listening to him about why he had just left us. But I really wanted to know. After going back an fourth all night I decided that knowing the truth would be better even though it might hurt. The walk to the park wasn't long. As kids we always spent time here playing and just hanging out. I had so many memories from here. I was a bit late, but when I arrived I saw him sitting with his back facing me on the swing set.

I walked around the fence and entered the swings area. I didn't know why I was so nervous. I walked up to swing next to him and sat down. Both of us were quite not knowing what to say or where to start. Well, I was mostly there to listen to him.

-Thanks for coming, he finally said. I didn't know if you would actually come.

I didn't say anything, I just sat there slowly lifting my head up to fix my eyes on him. I hadn't noticed earlier, but Mick had changed alot aperence wise. His hair was styled differently, he had a more defined jaw and he had definitely put on some muscles.

-And I-I know this isn't an excuse for leaving you guys and especially you Carla, he said moving around with his hands in the air. That break me and my family went to the Alps to ski and erm...

I could se on his face that this was hard to speak of for him, but I still didn't know how this made him leave.

-My dad h-he suffered a really bad injury and well erm he ended up in a coma, he continued slowly. After that there wasn't much to come back to. My life was scattered at that point. And we decided to stay close to dad at that point.

-Oh my god Mick im so sorry I had no idea, I said totaly in chock putting my hand on his shoulder. That's why you didn't come back?

-Yeah pretty much, he said now looking at me. I know I could have been a better friend, but a-at that time I couldn't really focus on anything. I'm sorry.

-Hey Mick, I said. I missed you. Maybe we could have better contact now?

-Ah yes I would love that, he replied happy. You know I'm actually I town for three more days if you would like to grab a coffee and catch up some more.

-Yeah that would be really fun, I responded as we got eyecontact. Here's my number text me when and where and I'll be there.

After we exchanged numbers we said goodbye and gave eachother a friendly hug. As I walked home I felt slightly better. I felt sorry for Mick that he had gone trough that and especially alone, but at least I knew that I hadn't done anything wrong. I also felt excited about seeing him again. I wanted to know what he'd been up to since we were kids.


Childhood Memories - Mick SchumacherWhere stories live. Discover now