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I heard knocking on my window, it was 1 am so that was strange as to why heeseung would be here right now?

when I opened it, it wasn't heeseung but sona and sunoo. Sona was Sunoo's sister by the way.

"what's going on?! Why are you two here in the middle of the night?!"

"Heeseung's lost his mind, he fought a lot of people on the street after getting into an argument and he won't stop drinking! Please help, we've all tried and he's only going to listen to you."

"WHAT?? why would he listen to me if he doesn't listen to you guys??" my brow drew up.

"gosh I don't know?! You're the last person we knew to call! Just help him please!" sona begged.

I grabbed my jacket near by, and came out of the window. I got off the roof of my house, following sunoo and sona.

by the tunnels, the sound of broken glass was clear. "Lee heeseung." I called his name out, low and disappointed.

he looked at me, with the side of his lips bleeding. The side of his stomach dripping of blood as well, and his face bruised up.

and not going to lie, I felt my heart crumbling. I don't know if it was because I pitied him, was disappointed, or was feeling emotional at the moment.

"baby." he drunkly laughed, "don't." my tone grew stern, and I tugged on his arm. Allowing the green bottle to plummet to the ground, falling apart into pieces after wards.

sunghoon, jaeyun and jongseong stared at me silently. All of a sudden, the tunnels caused tranquility, and tension.

"go home, all of you. I'll take care of this." my eyes trailed to the ground, where the broken coruscating glass was.

"but what if they come back!"

"so what? you think I don't know how to defend myself? I'll be fine, just go on home you're all tired looking." I sneered. without saying a simple word, afraid to argue, they left.

"why do you go around causing so much trouble. Look what it's doing to you." my face hardened, touching his bruises.

"I won't do it again."

"sure you won't, don't tell me lies, or make promises that you know you'll break. come with me, we're going to my house." I hooked his arm with mine.

—— my room

I brought out the first aid kid, "lift up your shirt." I demanded blandly.

even though he was drunk, he still smirked. It was like a habit. one that knocked me off my feet, annoyingly.

he did what I told, sliding his shirt off his body. I took out the alcohol wipes to disinfect any bacteria that would lead to an infection.

my hand pressed against his stomach, and as I stared up at him. A curve formed on his lips, "you like that don't you?"

"don't flatter yourself, for a drunk man you sure do act conscious. Say shit like that again and I'll knock you out asshole." I sneered, eyes sharp, like a dagger.

I pressed the wipe against the cut, he groaned. Gripping onto my arm, "you're hurting me." I muttered under my breath, his nails were digging into my arm and it stung.

"you're hurting me!"

"I'm treating your cut! Or else it's going to get infected."

I pressed more of the wipe, he hissed in pain and clenched his fists. Once I was done, I covered up the cut. "now up here." I pointed at his face.

I cupped his jaw, focusing on the little cut on his cheekbone. I brushed my thumb over it, "you let them do this to you?"

"they were talking about you, and I got angry." he gritted his teeth, his blood boiled the moment he mentioned it, and I could see his ears go red from rage.


"they called you things...

and I lost it."


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