Chapter 4: Trust

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"Kicho, the land is a putrid place. Those humans would capture you and sell you off. You'll never see me again, and you'll never see home again. Trust me, as your best friend Kicho." Kicho's best friend, Xavier, who is the son of King Jules, stated.

"I'll be fine, Xavi, I promise."

Kicho swam off with Xavier by his side, and they were on their way out of the city to collect shells. While they were doing so, he spotted a tiny island and began heading towards it. He ran into some guards of the kingdom whilst doing so.

"Stop! What are you doing out here alone?"

Before he can answer, Xavier came up besides him. "He's with me, and I order you to leave us be."

"No can do, Your Majesty. A ship was spotted near here, and we have orders from the King to scout this area. So please, you both need to head back to safety." One of the guards states in the most nicest way possible.

Xavier growled and turned around, grabbing Kicho's hand in the process.

"Let's go, Kicho."

Whilst they were leaving, a ship appeared, and all they heard was, "Aye, capture the creature for questioning," and a giant net was casted into the ocean. And if luck was against him, Kicho got caught into the net when it was dropped in.

He began to feel himself being lifted above water.

"Xavi, help me!

Before Xavier can react, one of the guards grabbed unto him and held him down from helping his friend.

Kicho jolted awake when he heard his tank being tapped on and saw Captain Katana looking at him.
"I have been calling your name for the past 10 minutes, but never mind that. Tell me, who is Xavier?"

Kicho's eyes widened at what she asked and looked down, avoiding any eye contact with her. After not receiving any answer, Katana reached her hand into his tank and pulled him up by his hair.

"I asked you a question, Kicho. Who. Is. XAVIER!"

Tears started to flow out of Kicho's eyes as he looked up at Katana. Upon seeing this, she sighed and let go of his hair.

"Look, Pretty. I'm only doing this for peace between both kingdoms. I'm sorry that I'm treating you so roughly."

No answer. Katana turned around quickly and began her journey out of the bottom deck.
"Xavier, he's my best friend... He's King Jules's son."

Katana stopped in her tracks as she heard what he said. "King Jules's son?"
Kicho nodded and looked up at her with his blue eyes, and pale cheeks still stained with tears.

"What else should I know about King Jules, Kicho?"

After what felt like hours, Katana returned to deck and gathered her crew. "Gather around men, we have work to do."

Meanwhile, at the bottom of the ocean, King Jules was on his throne, and his son, Prince Xavier, standing next to him.

"Father, I can't just leave Kicho out there. If you don't do something now, he will die!"

King Jules looked up at his son and smiled.

"Patience my child, you already know I have a plan, and this plan consist of you."

Prince Xavier looked at his father bewildered but nodded his head either way.

"What ever it takes to bring Kicho back."

Back at the ship, Captain Katana and her crew encountered some rough waves due to a storm in the middle of the ocean.

"Stand guard men, be prepared for anything!"

Whist she said that, the ship began to rock back and forth which caused the tank that Kicho was in to rock as well. He began holding unto the sides as he soon began to panic when the movement never came to a stop. Suddenly, his tank fell, breaking in the process. With all the water dissolving around him, his world began to slow down as he felt a burning sensation in his tail as all his scales began to fall off and his tail split in two. Soon he was screaming from the pain as he began his human transformation.

Even through all the commotion happening around her, Captain Katana was still able to hear the screams of pain coming from below deck and ran towards the sound. She was shocked and confused as she saw a pale yet nude man laying on the ground while clenching his legs.

He looked up at her with tears running down his eyes.

"K-katana, what's happening t-to me..."

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