Chapter One- An invite

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It's dusk out, the alarms signaling that it was time for humans to go back to there designated houses. The girl didn't leave her spot on the roof top though. She had a job to do. And any wrong movements could easily kill her right now.

The prince of these things wanted her to come to him. She clenched the monsters invitation in her hand. He wanted her to come to the palace at midnight and anyone who tried to stop her, was supposed to see the letter. She was disgusted and spat at the moving monsters below. Fuckin scum. A major clock tower loomed above the citizens and there homes. It was almost 11:30 at night.

The prince is a major figure to these creatures. Mysterious and powerful. The only time he is seen is when the king makes a banquet or does some major festival. My opinion is he's forced to do these things. If he wasn't, no one would see his face except the ones he summons.

But one thing that is for certain. He has a nasty temper. If I'm late...he would paint my blood on the walls. I bring my other foot onto the ledge of the building.

I shove my hands and the invite into the pockets of my jeans as I stare down at the black concrete below.

"Welp. Here we go Haven, let's do this."

Then I jumped.

The wind whistled past my ears as I fell feet first towards the Earth. I hummed a little bit as I got closer to the ground and took my hands out of my pockets.

I swung myself to spin in midair, flexing my fingers so that the claws in the gloves I wore popped out and the blades in my boots got triggered. I dug them into the side of the building slowing my decent till I came to a complete halt.

I then leaped the small amount of distance and landed easily without breaking my ankles. Sheathing the hidden metals back into there sheaths, I pulled off my gloves and shoved them into my back pocket. I made sure I still had the invite as I began to walk to the castle.

Of course I still had it, I'm not stupid enough to loose it while making that little jump I did. It doesn't hurt to double check though. It takes me around 15 minutes to get to the castle, making me cut it extremely close.

Two medium sized Draalgonas stood at the gate, like guardian statues. They don't even blink. When Earth was invaded and taken over, the remaining humans were told to call the aliens Draalgona. They do have a proper name, but since it's in there tongue it's impossible for us to speak.

These aliens are quite similar to humans but at the same time....not. They have a human like face, torso and arms. But everything else was...dragon like. They stood on two legs, shaped like a lizards.

They had claws, scales and horns. Each unique to there own person. Only three scale colors you will never see in public though. Black, white and silver. Those are royalty colors, belonging to the King, Queen and there kin.

The horns also differ to each Draalgona, but not as diverse as the scales.

They do wear clothes, but there specifically made to be worn by them. If a human tried to wear them it would be too uncomfortable. Well at least the pants would be, the shirt would be fine as long as you don't mind having your shoulder blades cold.

They have wings.

I stepped closer and as one the guards looked at me with slitted reptile like eyes. "State your business human, or be ready to be killed and fed to the servants." I pulled the invitation out. "What is it?" A storm colored Draalgona said as he tilted his head.

"A letter from the prince, an invitation." I respond handing over the paper. The second monster went into a small building close to the gate, most likely to call the prince. He returns with a smooth mirror like contraption, tapping the glass with his claws.

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