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There she stood in the rain
Not by splatter of the harsh falls

Her feet was soiled to the ground
She was too weak to take a step.

Her wet clothes are displayed afloat
As they garner great attention

Her tears kept flowing on its own accord
She cleans but it still keeps coming.

She holds her stomach tight
To stop the clenching of the walls

Yes she heard the sound, it's a mighty one
And this is not happening to her because of hunger,

Her heart feels tight, She can't bear it anymore

Her emotions are hurt, She'd have disallowed it

She's facing big detriments almost every day

Depression is calling her name! She looking up for a change.

Then, he looks to her ever so lovingly
Not be deceived, his smile is dangerous

He is walking under the rain too, majestically

Her body shakes in fright as she sees him
She moves back step by step involuntarily.

She ain't ready to fall into his trap
The cage isn't supposed to hold her

She runs as fast as she can not looking properly

Alas, she's knocked down by an incoming vehicle.

His face morphs into a frown
As he stays still, watching her

He shakes his head begrudgingly
His belt falls off his hand

The sadness will slowly seep in
The regrets will hunt him forever
Where is his gain?..

Scripted From My Heart To YouWhere stories live. Discover now