Chapter 1: Trauma

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The chair is still moving, but I can't see anything. In the fear I accidentally hit something, I put my arms to my sides and hope this clearly dangerous roller coaster ride doesn't crash. The ride then stopped but it was still pitch dark.

Before I got to move, red glowing eyes appeared in front of me just staring at me. After staring at me, I started to hear a chuckle, and all of sudden, I could feel the chair falling through a trapdoor. I again screamed in the hopes that this isn't a long fall to my potential death.

But before such thoughts begin to envelop my mind, I feel the impact of the floor. I landed right on my left shoulder. The metal restraint then released me, and as I was at the floor agonizing in pain and anxiety, the lights turned back on revealing that I was in some sort of cell.

The cell looks very old. There's rust on the iron bars, and I can see cracks all over on the stone floor and walls. I can even see a huge nest of cobwebs in the side of the room. Before properly observing my surroundings, I went to the cradle position and closed my eyes. "Why did I even accept this? This whole thing might actually be a trap...? I'm such an idiot!" I thought. But after calming my thoughts, I stood up from the ground and decided to look around. And that when I heard a voice. A disembodied voice. The same voice Walter has.

"Welcome. This journey will not only take strength, energy, and any physical attributes but it also a journey that gonna delve into your mind. Hidden demons of yourself might come out. Are you strong enough to survive them? Are you even brave enough to fight them?"

I was almost speechless, but I caught something he said. "Journey into your mind?"
It makes me wonder? Is what gonna happen to me beyond this cell going to involve hallucinations?

"So, you're saying I'm in some sort of mind dungeon? What is this? A video game?" I said in a mocking tone.

The man responded with, "I'm glad you're able to gain some sort of sense of humor in this situation, but again, I can hear the trembling in your voice, and how you were in the cradle position more than a minute ago. It isn't very wise to enter this whole test with a foolhardy attitude. Everyone I seen here who does so, ended up the same way."

Wait a minute? He's watching me... right now? W-What the hell!? Damn sicko...

"Now that I know that this journey isn't real, what do I really need to fear?" I bluffed.
Walter gave a long sighed and then started to speak, "I don't think you understand how dangerous humans can be once they distort reality and fiction. Our sense of morals are inverted and even non existent when it comes to fictional entertainment. Having such senses distorted is dangerous. Plus, the monsters you will be fighting are gonna be from fiction and reality. Which causes the risk of distortion even higher."

I couldn't bluff any longer. I just simply closed my eyes to gather my thoughts. As I was doing this, the man has one final thing to say, "
I seen people like you time and time again. They put on this foolhardy jokester facade to hide their anxious and terrified feelings. And I never failed to see them crack hard. To me, you're just another statistic. But I think I should no longer speak at the moment. Good luck. I will be spectating your progress thoroughly."
I then heard static and after that, it's just pure silence.

What the man said kept ringing in my ears. Is any of this real? Is he lying? And what does he mean by real monsters? I was tempted to go back in the cradle position, but I stopped myself. I have to move forward. So, I decided to examine the area.

As I was observing the room, I see a key but it's behind the cobwebs and it's sadly full of spiders.
I tried to look around for anything that could be helpful, but I sadly didn't find anything. I guess I just have to use my hand. As I put my hands out and started to approach them, it's like my natural instincts just cause me to back away in an instant. I didn't have any I guess traumatizing history with spiders. I never even got bitten by one, but they just freaked me out in an irrational way.

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