028. ❛ green green dress ❜

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N O - O N E S - P O V

N O - O N E S - P O V

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song details:

Italics- Camilo singing
Bold Italics- Rosa singing
Bold- Together singing

~song can start now~

The jacket she wore was his, and she let it slide off her arms. She took a grasp of it, putting it over the stairs.

He looked at her mesmerized, and smirked.

"Te ves absolutamente hermosa" She blushed, and he circled around her eyeing her up and down.

"You know I'd rather not be eyed up and down like a piece of meat" He laughed, as he came behind her.

Like pianos started playing, he started to sing close to her.

"Deep, dark velvet hugs your silouette, Black silk stockings, you're my Juliet-
Soft blond hair, Baby, baby blue eyes-" His hands roam her body, and she watches his every moment before he takes a long step back.

"Cool me down before I jump into your thighs! The green, green dress
Twenty buttons and a strap-" He jumped back to her, guiding his hand up from her thighs to up her waist slowly.

"The green, green dress~ What a pleasure to unwrap" He sang lowly in her ear, earning a laugh from her.

"Green dress, oh what it can do-
What the green, green dress does to me on you!"

"Me on you~" He says as he takes her hand, slowly walking up the stairs with her.

Once they got to the very top of the staircase, Casita pushed a tile making her tumble into his arms. She smirked, and danced around him.

"Let's find a chair where we can sit and talk-" She sang as she slowly walked away, moving her hips in front of him as he followed behind her.

"Get some fresh air- Baby, we could take a walk"

"Tell me what you're thinkin'- Talk about your day- Tell me what to do-" She turned towards him, placing her hand on his chest and slowly going down before pulling away.

"I'll do anything you say!"

"Yeah, the green, green dress- Twenty buttons and a strap!" He pulled her against him, and placed his hands on her waist as they both sang.

✓ 𝐌𝐈 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑 ↝ camilo madrigalWhere stories live. Discover now