112. "oh brother, we'll go deeper than the ink, beneath the skin of our tattoos"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

◁                           Ⅱ                           ▷

And if you were drowned at sea

I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe


          RIGHT AS LUCIA WAS ABOUT to investigate further, taking a step forward in hopes of following Florian and Rodolphus, she lost her balance as the ground became non-existent and the scenery around her began to fade into light. She was levitating once more.

She thought that this was the end of her journey within the archives of Florian DiFiore's memories when out of the blue, she felt her polish heel hit solid ground once again and the blinding light began to fade as shapes were form around her, painting a scene of what looks to be a rambunctious city.

Lucia clutched her robes tightly around her, the cold wind blowing through her face. "Melati, I have a feeling we're not in Hogwarts anymore..."

Snow covered the city grounds as it fell like as storm over people that were searching around, looking for shelter, when she caught a familiar figure walking through the busy street of (from what she could read anyway from the street signs of the city) Bristol. She silently followed after the figure.

Lucia was certain that was Florian, for she could recognise the pocket watch he was holding anywhere. She, herself, possessed the watch after all. Lucia clenched the small pocket watch in her hand, as she walked through the crowd of citizens when she finally arrived in front of a shop that he had slipped into.

She gazed up curiously.


She processed the words carefully when it suddenly hit her.

"Is this...?" Lucia batted a breath, before not wasting time to enter right through the door of the shop.

It was the exact opposite of the surroundings outside. While it was cold as the winter storm settled upon Bristol, Nyonya Walk was nothing but warm and cosy. And it seemed that many people were taking shelter due to the snow storm, even deciding to dine in as she saw many tables were occupied. Lucia inspected, taking in every meticulous detail she could, as if this was the last time she could do it — which it probably was.

She was awestruck by the interior design of the place, it was different than the type of designs that she was so used to; the moment she walked in, she was immediately met by the beautiful colour that simply exploded all around the restaurant, yet it suited it as if it was done through a well-thought plan, and the decorations that filled every nook and cranny of the place was simply marvellous as colourful porcelain ware that had patterns on it and almost looked archaic, yet still gave off a sense of awe and beauty from it. Different patterned batiks were made as tablecloths, and she could immediately recognise the costume the employees were wearing. She had one once too.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now