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⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
"We don't care who sees
That's how it's supposed to be
Living young and wild and free"

⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻"We don't care who seesThat's how it's supposed to beLiving young and wild and free"

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03| Into the wilderness

"Don't run, you idiots!"

Estelle shouted when they started messing around, flailing their arms, playing with the flowers of the sky that pirouetted in the warm moist summer air, dancing in rainbow colours as their friends run wild while pouncing like an excited children that they are to the flat soil that was hugged by grasses and velvety surface of mosses as soon as they set foot in to the deciduous forest of Noblewilds, the largest and the known mystical woodland in Eldenhil. The almond-brown and emerald paradise with its woody organic scent wavering through their nose, welcoming them.

Some would constantly check over their shoulders to look out for dangers that may lurk behind every turn of the path but some don't mind as they play recklessly, forgetting the fact that they were in an enchanted forest, using the broad daylight as an excuse. Still, was that the case though? Their friends' noises of whoop of delight disturbing the tranquility of the wilderness, the place seeming like the safest environment to go to carelessly— unsound of the dangers, together with the orchestra of the chirping birds and the crunching twigs and dried leaves beneath their feet sounds so satisfying to the ears.

The aged trees stood proudly which serves as the castles of the land. With the diurnal owls sitting on its branches gazing down at them with their yellow, rod-shaped eyes as if they were being paid to be an attentive watchful guardians when they were actually to hunt in the daytime.

| Luxianna's POV |

As we went further, the gleaming golden rays from the sun poked through the canopy like a luminous wand that shines our figures and disappear in a second as we walk between the shafts in and out the glow and shady glades.

We continue to make our way after the kids like some Kings and Queens that own the runway, shooing the hares, squirrels, muskrats and other adorable-sized creatures scamper away on their own ahead of us. Hiding in the bushes.

"Guys, you should stop running now," I told them.

"Why~ this is fun! C'mon!" Levi smiled, reaching his hand out for me to hold.

"No, thanks. Just be cautious, this isn't the place we should be playing around," he nodded at my words, still smiling as he slowly begin to run away once again, "just don't smile while running, you might not see anything."

His chuckle can be heard even in a few feet distance. The four vanishing from our sight.

"Why are you not stopping them?" Estelle is obviously getting irritated as she spoke to us probably because of Leslie being the adventurous kind of person— opposite of Estelle while both of them being hard-headed.

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