6- Ten

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Scott's name is a whisper on my lips. I race through Beacon Hills Preserve, desperate to find where Scott and Stiles are, ever since we lost each other while searching for some kind of clues. I hadn't realize I had gone a different direction until it was too late. Neither of them were within my supernatural sight or hearing. 

        Thankful to my supernatural speed, I push myself even faster through the preserve, ducking under low branches and twigs. I lost my flashlight a few minutes ago when I had tripped over a hole in the ground. That was when I remembered I technically had night vision. My heart is pounding in my chest, like at any moment it will explode right out of my body. 

        My head whips over my shoulder. The feeling of someone chasing me is high enough to spike my paranonia and raise my blood pressure. I exhale Scott's name in hope that he will be close enough for him to hear my desperate plea. Over the past months, I've gotten stronger and braver, but being alone in the woods enough for me to want to curl up in my bed and cry myself to sleep. 

        With my head twisted to look over my shoulder, I don't see two dark figures run out in front of me. I collide into them, screaming at the top of my lungs when I feel arms grab at me. I try to push myself away from whoever it may be until I hear them yell right back at me, like they are scared. My head snaps up and I immediately stop screaming when I see Scott and Stiles. 

        "Oh, thank the heavens." I exhale, grabbing on to each of their arms. 

        Scott gives me a quick look over. "Okay, good. You're okay."

        Stiles lowers his flashlight to the ground, panting. "I think I found something." 

        "So did I."  Scott grabs my hand and starts to lead me in a whole different direction. I grip his hand tightly, secretly afraid to lose him again in these woods. 

        The three of us had left the McCall house around midnight with the idea of looking for whatever might give us some clue to the Tate's accident. About an hour has passed, at least I think anyways, since we had first left and all we had managed to do was get separated. What could they have possibly found in the matter of time that we had been separated?

        Stiles leads the way towards some large boulders about five minutes away. We walk closer towards it, finding an opening big enough for us to walk in. I duck my head down to step inside. Stles shines the flashlight around the cave. A dirty, bear stuffed animal is laying on the ground ahead of us.

        "It's a coyote den." Stiles announces.

        "Werecoyote." Scott breathes.

        Stiles falls down into a crouch, picking up a puffy jacket along the rock wall. "You see this? This is Malia's. Remember, it's the same one she was wearing in the photo."

        I slowly reach out to grab the bear. "We shouldn't be here." I whisper while shaking my head. 

        "What do you mean?" Stiles frowns at me. 

        "She's not going to come back here now." I motion around to the den. "We just invaded her home. Our scent's going to be everywhere."

        Stiles worriedly glances from the bear to me. "If she's not going to come back here, where's she going to go?"

        "I don't know." Scott sighs. 

        I sit backwards on my heels, letting the bear fall from my fingers. 

        "Can you track her now? You think you got her scent?" Stiles asks Scott before turning to me. "What about you?"

        "Maybe. But I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf. And I'm still worried that if I do it, I won't be able to turn back." Scott says with his head hanging. He lifts it up and locks eyes on me. "And, Chloe's not completely used to her new being either. I don't want her to do anything big yet."

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