12 - Wires

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A low hum fills the air. I strain against the eletrical wires wrapped tightly around my torso, linking me to the fence that I woke up against. Only ten minutes or so had passed since I had woken up from being unconscious. All I could remember was running through the house with Scott knocked out and Barrow trying to catch me. My memory abruptly ends with me slamming into the ground.

Luckily, my body had healed while I was unconscious, but due to the wires around me, dripping in what appears to be some form of liquid wolfsbane, I could feel myself growing weakers. The wires are searing my skin just by touching me. Any movement causes the wires to dig deeper into my skin, slicing deeper and deeper every time.

Barrow seems oddly proud of his work. When I had woken up, he was mumbling under his breath that he had heard somewhere that wolfsbane was a weakness to the 'ones with glowing eyes'. Barrow was quite pleased when he saw the cuts in my skin from the wire. Although, he didn't understand why it wasn't affecting Kira, who is sitting right beside me.

I can't understand why Kira would be here. Why did Barrow think that Kira had glowing eyes? I thought she was as human as Stiles is, aside from when he was possessed, but that doesn't count. Through all that was going down, I couldn't help but laugh at how ironic it was for Kira and I to be kidnapped together. The girl that has been crushing on my boyfried.

Barrow starts to walk closer to the two of us with a split wire in his hand. He was a tall and very slender man, appearing to have little to no muscles on his body. I was able to see his thin features clearly now that I wasn't running from him. The split wire is dragged over the side of the fence as he moves towards us.

"What are you doing?" Kira whispers in tears.

Barrow's head tilts to the side at her question. He stops just a few inches away from where I'm sitting with the wire still in his gloved hand. "Right now? Ah." Barrow crouches down beside us. His hand reaches out to slide Kira's phone out of the front pocket of her shirt. "Right now, I'm gonna take your picture."

I turn my face away. Why would he want a picture?

"Just a little proof of our time here together." Barrow turns the phone sideways with the camera pointing towards us. The camera flashes a few times, blinding us with the bright light in the very dimly lit substation. "A little proof for all of those people who never believed."

Kira struggles against the wires. "Okay, you got your picture. You want to let us go now?"

"Ah." Barrow sighs before shaking his head. The phone is lowered down to the ground. "Did you ever see a movie called Village of the Damned? The original. Not the remake. Nobody cares about crappy remakes. I'm talking about the 1960 black and white masterpiece." His eyes light up with adoration as he talks about the movie.

I shrink away when his fingers dart out to stroke my hair. I gasp in pain when the movement causes the wires to slicer deeper into my skin. My teeth grit together to keep myself from shouting out. Barrow's head tilts to the left as he grins. I squeeze my eyes shut to keep the tears that are threatening to spill over.

Barrow's finger strokes my cheek, like I'm a prized possession. "Blonde haired, beautiful children who can make their eyes glow." His voice hardens and his finger is pulled away. "And they do terrible things."

"I can think of all the terrible things I want to do to you." I spit out.

A finger is shoved in my face. "You will talk when I say you can."

That sentence throws me back to the days that my dad was still alive and would say the exact same thing to me. I bite down on my bottom lip. All of this is starting to remind me of my father.

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