9- Sleep

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A low groan floats off of my lips when I hear Scott's phone going off on on his bedside table. His arms constrict around me as he slowly starts to wake up. I bury my head deeper in the pillow, silently willing for the obnoxious ringtone to end. Who even calls during the middle of the night? Scott lets out a groan right by my ear, the sound vibrates through his chest which is pressed against my back.

After thirty seconds of ringing, his phone stops and sends the caller to voicemail. I sigh in relief. I roll over on my other side, only to bury myself in Scott's chest. Sleepily, Scott presses a kiss to my forehead. Scott makes a noise of contentment before pulling me against his chest even more. My right leg hooks over his in attempt to get even more comfortable.

Not even a minute later, Scott's phone starts to go off for the second time. In unison, Scott and I groan a little louder this time at the loud ringing.

"Oh, my God." I mumble against Scott's shoulder.

Scott sighs, "It's probably Stiles."

"Well, Stiles can go screw himself. I'm trying to sleep." I sleepily mumble, not a hundred percent sure that I'm even saying words. My mind and body are nowhere close to even being remotely awake. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I was still dreaming.

Scott chuckles in my ear. Before he can even think of reaching for his phone, the call goes to voicemail.

"I swear if he calls again, I'm flipping him over my shoulder and on his back tomorrow." I grumble.

Scott's fingers glide up my spine over my thin t-shirt. His breathing starts to even out, meaning he's already starting to fall back asleep. I nuzzle my face back in his shoulder, while his fingers continue to move up and down my back slowly.

For the third time, the phone starts to ring.

"If someone's not dying, I swear-" I push myself up on my elbow, annoyed when I feel Scott's arms fall down to my waist. I snatch his phone from the table, angrily. Stiles' happy face is shining brightly on the screen from the photo Scott picked for his contact. My eyes squint from the brightness of his phone. "What the hell do you want, Stiles?"

There's a pause on the other end of the line. A scoff is heard before Stiles says, "Well, hello to you, too."

I slump back against the bed, curling into Scott's chest once again. "And I'll repeat myself. What the hell do you want?"

Scott is lying still next to me, arms already tightly constricted around my body. His eyes are shut, but I know he's listening to the conversation.

"You're grumpy in the morning." Stiles takes notice.

I roll my eyes. "No, I'm only grumpy when stupid boys are disrupting my sleep during the middle of the night!"

Scott groans while blindly reaching for his phone. He takes the phone from me and I tangle my legs with Scott's, in attempt to get comfortable enough to fall back asleep. "What?"

The side of the phone is close to my ear, but with the room dead quiet, Stiles' loud mouth makes it easy for me to hear what he has to say without even using my supernatural abilities. "Get your ass down here now. We have a job to do."

Scott's free hand draws me closer to his chest. "Dude, I'm already in bed and you pissed Chloe off, too." His hand starts to draw random shapes on my back. "And aren't we getting a little old for this?"

"We do this for Coach."

"I thought we did this to Coach?"

Slowly, I feel myself start to fall back asleep. Although, I can still hear their conversation, which is the only thing keeping me awake still.

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