113. "i wish you were more than an imaginary stranger"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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How is the sky you left us for?

Are the clouds keepin' you warm?


          FRANKLY, LUCIA HAD NEVER PLANNED her birthday out before. She always expected it to be just like any other ordinary day, only with presents, sometimes she would even make up some bad scenarios that could happen and this year was no different. However, one thing was for sure: She never expected for herself to be hunt down by Snatchers for her little slip up.


She looked at Draco, puzzled.

"What, Draco? What are you — ?"

"You said it, didn't you? You said the taboo?" he said in frenzy once he reached her, quickly pulling her into a broom cupboard before the Snatchers could quite possibly catch her.

"I-I did...?" Then realisation struck her. "Merlin worn-out tonsils... I did!" Lucia whimpered, and began to pace back and forth, scared. "What am I supposed to do now?!"

"Take this," he shoved the satchel he was holding. "It'll probably help you with your journey. Kreacher's going to help you Apparate out of here —"

"Wait! What about Bao Bao?!" said Lucia, revealing Bao Bao from inside her schoolbag. "He can't possibly follow me! It'll be too dangerous!"

"Oh, I bloody forgot you like animals —"

"And a cat..." she sniffled.

"Don't worry about them, I'll give Astoria the ferret and tell Longbottom about what happened... not that I think that's needed since he probably caught whiff of it already," said Draco patiently, taking Bao Bao into his arms. It was weird, he had to admit, having to hold something he had been transfigured into just a few years ago... "Just go, before they come in here,"

"W-Wait, where'll would you be taking me Kreacher?" Lucia asked.

"Master Malfoy has requested Kreacher to bring Mistress outside of the Hogwarts's walls," said Kreacher. Lucia could not help but notice just how different he was in talking to her in comparison to a few years ago when they had first met.

Back then, he never even bothered to call her with such nobility and quite honestly, kindness.

Before Lucia could say anything further, they heard the rowdiness nearing them. Draco turned to Lucia. "Go,"

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now