114. "every moment becomes eternity, do you hear me"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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Sinking slowly like in a trance

Struggle but it's all ocean floor


          LUCIA OPENED HER EYES AND was dazzled by the white snow that became the pillow in softening her fall, as well as the darkness of the night that felt eerily different than before. Struggling to breath into lungs that was seemingly flattened, she blinked and realised that an object was close to her face. She pushed herself onto her hands and knees, automatically thinking that it was just another random squirrel or even owls, but instead she was greeted by an arm that was covered by snow.

Lucia blinked.



Wait a minute...

The memories began to race through her mind violently, and Lucia let out a gasp. "Oh Merlin..." She had just body-slammed Voldemort and honestly, she did not regret it. Well, who would?

Then it dawn on her what occurred during her visit to Godric's Hollow. Lucia felt her breath shortening immensely as she looked down to the arm in front of her, and then looking around again only to see another figure laying on the snow-covered forest floor, apparently alone.

She did it.

She found them.

Not in a way she wanted, but she found them. She actually found them...

Lucia shivered, the stinging wind of winter hitting her face. She hurriedly pushed herself up to her feet, wrapping her arms around herself for warmth, her cold breath could be seen underneath the night sky as she puff out air. "Yeah... I better set up camp before we all die of frostbite..."

But Lucia could not help but smile. She was reunited with them, but something was —

Where was Ron?

She looked around, she didn't remember him being in that cottage now that she thought about it. Why was it only Harry and Hermione there? Where was Ron? Did he get left behind?

Questions filled her mind as she carefully dragged the unconscious Hermione out of the snow and setting her body beside Harry, hoping they could share each other's warmth whilst she were to figure out how to create a shelter for them. Lucia seized the beady bag on the ground not far from her, instantly recognising it as Hermione's, before she began rummaging through it. Though she didn't have her memories to the fullest extent, Lucia still could remember them both discussing regarding what they would bring and if she remembered correctly, along with clothes and miscellaneous, Hermione would also be bringing...

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now