Where... IS THIS?!

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'Uuuu... Huh?' Thought a person as he tries to open his eyes

But no matter how much strength he puts in his eyelids, they can't seem to open. As if he had massive drowsiness and the eyelids just don't wanna open.

'What the...' The person noticed the weird situation he was in and panicked a little.

He tried to stand up as he feels his back laying on... A soft surface? But again, his body did not listen and just stayed in place.

At this point, he was starting to get frustrated and a bit scared.

'Am I paralyzed? Did something happen to me?' He thought

The last thing he could remember was closing his phone before going to bed. Before that, he was playing a famous MMO RPG game in their area and was grinding materials to craft an item.

He tried to scream but... What sounded next was completely off from what he had expected.

"Uwaaaahhh!!!" A loud cry. And instead of the deep voice of someone in his late teenage years, the voice that came out sounded like that of a baby!

'What the f—'

Now, he was seriously freaking out. 'What the hell is happening?!' He screamed internally.

He tried to stop his crying but, again, he did not have any control over his bodily functions.

Soon, drowsiness went past him. 'Ughh... What the... Why am I so suddenly... So sleepy...' And soon, he fell asleep, which effectively stopped the crying.

* * *


After about a few hours later, the person woke up again. But this time, he could finally see with his eyes.

'I can see!' He thought.

He immediately looked around to see where he was and figure out his situation. But what came to his sights was a... Spinning toy?

It was the kind of thing found on top of baby cribs and are spinning to distract the baby.

'What the...' He thought in confusion

He looked around and found out that he was trapped in some kind of a crib. 'Where am I?'

He tried lifting his arms and thankfully, they don't seem to be paralyzed as they were before. He controlled his arm muscles with difficulty and moved them on top of his face.

As soon as he saw them, his eyes widened. 'Why is my hand so small?!'

What he saw was a really small arm. Presumably a child's. No, a toddler.

At this moment, a person came by him, which startled him a little that caused him to stop what he was doing.

It was a woman.
She was wearing clothes from what he presumes were from the middle ages based on the design. She was a fair-skinned, tall woman with a pair of deep purple eyes. Her dark brown hair was tied into a bun that hung down onto the back of her head. She wore an attire which consists of a black dress with a white blouse underneath it and a white apron over it.

Though, her beauty isn't the thing he was focused on right now. It was her enormous size.

'Why is she so huge?!' He contemplated. He cannot do anything like running as he can't seem to stand up so he could only face her.

Then, noticing that the girl has no ill intentions, he slightly lowered his guard and noticed her clothing.

'What was it called again...?' He thought, pondering what type of clothing it was

Soon, he remembered. 'Oh yeah! Victorian-style maid dress!' 

"•••• ••••••••" The woman was smiling and leaned her head slightly lower to speak with him but unfortunately, he cannot understand what she was saying.

'What language is that... I know English and a bit of Japanese and Spanish so those two are not it...' He contemplated.

It was a language he had never heard of before. Well, all languages except Spanish, Japanese, and English are foreign to him.

But this one was different. He feels like he knows the language but doesn't understand it.

'What country am I right now— no... I already know it by now.' He thought

By now, he knows mostly what's happening. He wasn't unfamiliar with it too.

'I reincarnated.' He made the conclusion.

As someone who reads fantasy novels almost every time, he was not foreign to this certain genre. In fact, it is a genre that is trending back on earth. Especially the isekai genre which is basically a branch of the fantasy genre. In which in his honest opinion, is becoming more and more of a cliché. It basically starts with the main character dying and reincarnating in another body in another world.

And that just gave him more of a reason to believe that he reincarnated. Why? Well... his baby hands, small physique, and almost always drowsy behavior explain it pretty well.

Him being a toddler explains the small body and baby hands, babies usually get drowsy during the day but energetic during the night, and finally, the woman's language which he knows for sure doesn't exist on earth as it should be something he picked up during his life.

'Then again, what happened to me? How did I die—'

He was about to ponder another question, however, the girl from before put both of her arms under his head and the other... Well... On his buttocks.

'Wo— Whoah!' He screamed internally

He was soon then gently picked up by the woman and was placed on her shoulder. She held him in her arms and twirled around with him still being on her shoulder.

The latter, however, wasn't very enjoying it. 'Urrgghhh... Twirly... I'm getting motion sickness...'

After a few minutes, he finally had enough of what she was doing, he finally mustered up all of his willpower to let out a powerful move all toddlers use.


"UWAAAHHH!!" He cried loudly as he can.

He will do anything to get down from his swirling fate. It was just too much for him with the spinning and all of that.

Hearing his cry, the woman immediately stopped and looked at him worriedly.

"•• ••••" The woman said something but he was unable to understand what it was. But from her apologetic look, he guessed that she was apologizing

Soon, she stopped carrying him and placed him back down in the crib gently. She then caressed his head gently as the heads of toddlers are VERY sensitive.

"••••... •• ••••..." She uttered out a few words that he knew he wouldn't understand like all of the words she said.

However, the next one was different. It was as if those words were specifically for him and him alone. Perhaps it was because of the intent behind those words that he was able to know what they were.

"Isaac..." A silvery voice rang out; clear and soothing. It was a clear, light, and pleasing voice.

It was his name.

He did not know how and why, but he did not complain. 'Isaac, huh... So that's my new name...'

'I quite like it.' He thought. His baby body, however, betrayed him and giggled out of his control.

'I really need to start getting in control of this body...'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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