044 - the start of something new

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The.Informer Isn't it strange how life can change in an instant? Well, you might haven't heard from me until now, but I can assure you, I am not one to back off once placed in the limelight. Or... Am I truly the one in focus? No. It's you, my dear friends, who I'll present on the silver plate and more importantly, your secrets.

So, let's start our little adventure, shall we?

June, the most colorful of all months, thanks to its addressing and awareness making of the LGBTQ+ fellas around the world, has been quite a start for a lot of mysteries, that are patiently waiting, to be solved. Everyone, at least the more agreeable folks of society, was seen out on the pride parades, which were, I have to admit, quite fun to join. But I would surely not talk about it if a few things haven't happened, right?And of course, all such things that would cause quite a, let's call it, "scene" do tend to take place at night.

The party at "The burning Tiger", a place with great food, but even better-looking people that are not only hungry but also thirsty, was... let me tell you, something else.It started off like every other gathering, with great music, dancing and of course, quite a lot of alcohol, but maybe the latter was also the cause for all events that occurred afterward.

First and foremost, I should introduce you to the "Avonlea gang", or more preciously, a few of its little "gang members", as they'll be the main focus of this post;Anne Shirley, Gilbert Blythe, Ruby Gillis and Billy Andrews.While Billy will have his own little story to tell, Anne, Gilbert and Ruby share the same. But let's start, as I don't want to keep you in the dark any longer ;)

A wicked love Triangle:Gilbert Blythe and his little shadow, Ruby Gillis, were quite late to the party, in fact, it seemed, as they didn't want to attend it in the first place. Something had changed their or his mind because Gil did not look the least bit at ease when he first stepped into the bar. You might ask yourself, what was it, that had him on the hook, because quite frankly it wasn't Ruby, or else he would've stayed at home with her. I'm here to tell you, that I'm pretty certain of the reason being our miss carrot head; Anne Shirley. In a game of "truth or dare" Anne was seen kissing not one, not two, but three different people. Congrats, girly! I'm sure Gilbert could not bear, not being one of them because he did hold his glass of beer a bit too... firm. I swear to god, I could see, even in the dim light of the clubbing room, that his knuckles were white as a paper!Well, exactly these knuckles, a few hours and seven glasses of vodka-soda later, yes I counted them myself, were seen right hooking the jaw of the third guy, that was the only one that stuck his tongue up in Anne's mouth, until that poor fella fell unconsciouse to the ground. And if that wasn't enough, he was seen having a heated argument with Anne only a few minutes later, while Ruby was nowhere in sight.

The surprise of the night:It surely did not end with that. As I was leaving the party, I could hear moaning. Yes, moaning. Animalistic, manly and ... hot. Not for me of course, but for the two people involved in a hungry kiss. As I looked closer, to my shock, it was no other than Bill, our more or less homophobic "jock" from Avonlea with another person. I don't want to assume any genders, but I'm sure, it was not the usual type he would go for if you understand what I mean. ;)And because I wouldn't believe myself without any proof, here it is.In the picture above I present to you; Billy Andrews (left) and our mysterious, unknown person (right).I can assure you, there was a lot of tongue involved!

Happy pride month, folks ;*

And that's it for today ;)
Until next time!
Your secret informer <3

[View all comments] [8.30 pm]

cleo.patra: OMG! Billy is gay?
Hunter47: This can't be real!
JillDill: lol, who runs this page?
CaptainJack: I'm number three! And his right hook wasn't that bad! Btw, Anne, if you're reading this, call me up ;)
AnnMary: Anne kissed three ppl? What a slut!
ginothedino: these people got no honor or dignity 
w.i.llow: and here I was, thinking that the burning tiger was lame, lmao-...
Lilly.orchid: Billy always seemed a bit sus tbh
Will_am.: ^facts lmao
Ashley.Adams: I was at the party and i kid you not, I heard someone crying in the girls bathroom. I bet it was lil ruby!
Emi.Loves.You: ^that girl is delusional!
FionaS: ^^she got what she deserved!
AliceWonderland: I can't belive that gil is still into that girl...
SamVanDee: It's always the homophobic guys that are still in the closet
JBfan: Who in his right state of mind would make out with someone like Billy???
Quinny: aren't gilbert and anne a thing? Or was it ruby and him? 
gab.ft: that's messed up!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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