Chapter 9

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Jin seemed to be thoughtful for a second and the next question he asked out of blue, caught Jungkook off guard.

"When was the last time you had sex?"

Jungkook's mouth gaped away in shock. Why the hell did he asked such a thing out of nowhere?

What should he answer now?

Jin's smile slowly fade away while watching him, and a complex expression covered it. It was obvious that he was trying his best not to break down into tears. Jin gave the most nervous smile one could ever give and spoke in a shattering voice.

"K-Kookie...Don't be a-afraid. I just asked it because... y-you know..We need to know about everything to diagnose the real issue, right? A-and, I promise I won't tell anyone."

Jungkook watched him with still wide eyes, torn between the thought whether he should say the truth or not. Maybe, this won't be harmful, since it's his caring Jin hyung who's asking this, right? He won't let anything bad happen to him, right?

"Y-yes hyung." stammered Jungkook lowering his head.

Jin felt his heart squish inside him with pain and something else. It's painful to hear because he still loved him and the other one was a memory which kept hidden in the furtherest corner of his mind; Which he feared to let out.

"With T-Taehyung, right?" asked Jin trying to keep his voice steady.

Jungkook nodded in response and Jin scribbled down something on his notepad.

"Can you tell me the exact date that happened? Or a closer one?" Jin asked keeping his eyes on the pad.

Jungkook never forgot the date but he didn't want to be presented as a freak who keeps the dates of sex in their memories, so he told the date after it.

"Um..Did you...use any protection?"


Then how did this happen? There's only two ways......

The condom must've broken or...........................................

Jin felt his legs weakening when the realization finally hit him like a truck. He didn't know how to explain this to little Jungkook but knew that he immediately need to run a pregnancy test.

Yes, pregnant! Those are the symptoms of being pregnant and as a doctor, Seokjin knew it well.

And from his experiences, Jin knew that an abortion won't work because it has already gone two months and that could be dangerous for both, baby and Papa.

And what would be his damn brother's reaction for this? For fuck's sake that would be the most scary part of this. Jin  couldn't even imagine what Namjoon would do, when he get to know about his little brother getting pregnant by a poor highschooler.

The next problem is Taehyung, who probably could be the father of the child. What will be his response for this? Will he accept Jungkook as his fiance when he'd barely passed 18?

Jin slowly placed the pad away and faced the boy with fear in eyes. How is he supposed break down this terrifying news to the 17 year old kid? He will die of agony!!

But he has to say it now. Because Jin knew a pregnant person couldn't be left alone; they need special care. Even though Jin didn't know how to give him those, he decided telling him the possibility was the first step to do. Then he could take care of other things later whether it would be bad or not.

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