Chapter 3

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*Cheri's POV*

i had no idea how kian would react but i was really scared to find out.

"WHAT THE HELL SAM AND CHERI! I LEAVE FOR TWO HOURS AND YOUR ALREADY MAKING OUT! I CANT BELIEVE YOU CHERI I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT BUT IN ALL REALITY YOUR JUST A WHORE!" after he said the last part he covered his mouth regretting what he said. I got out of Sam's grip and ran to the bathroom and found my blade.

1) being a whore

2)getting adopted

3) being born

4) being a slut

5) loving someone

6) being fat

7)being ugly

I didn't realize how deep i was cutting until i looked down and started getting dizzy i feel on the floor which made a huge boom sound and blacked out. I hope i never wake up

*Sam's POV*

i heard a loud noise and ran upstairs to make sure she was okay because kian was pretty hard on her. I cant believe he would say that she was a whore.

"Ill be back." i told the guys before i ran upstairs

she wasnt in her room and i started to get worried the bathroom light was on and i stormed threw the door

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