Chapter 6

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^^Cheri POV^^

Asshole I can't believe him but really what I'm upset about is that because of me the love of my life, the one who actually cared for me c-could be gone. I started to breathe heavy and couldn't control it I fell off the bed and started having a seizure the doctors rushed in and I finally stopped shaking, Sam started talking "Cheri please don't leave" he whispered loudly.

My heart broke he thinks I'm gone. His eyes opened an he looked over at me smiling.

"Your a-alive?" he choked

"Yep still wish I wasn't though." I sighed while saying

"Cheri" he scolded while giving me a sad face.

"What if you died you know i would do anything for you, you are my life. I will love you forever and always.

I am speechless but my monitor started to speed up again and i was breathing heavily. my thoughts went blank and I started shaking.

"H-h-help" I croaked to Sam who was screaming for a doctor.

Everything went black.

^^2 hours later**

"Sam I have some bad news, Cheri has a rare condition were she has seizures and If they are over 5 minutes you need to call the ambulance. it is caused by stress." the doctor said

I acted as If I just woke up and Sam smiled at me

"How you feeling princess?" he asked as sweet as possible.

"Fine" and I said it as happy as possible.

"We can go now if you want" he said

I just nodded my head and we got in the car, it was very silent and a little awkward.

We arrived and kian wasn't there great!

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