Chapter 13

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Chris POV

"You ready for this Liv?" I ask holding her hand getting of the plane. She nods nervously. Brian speaks up. "Little Chickee. She's going to love you! You're amazing! Plus Chris and Mama said you get to hang out with Uncle Sebby while you're here! That's exciting." He's trying to encourage my little girl. Inwardly I cringe. We aren't on the best terms right now. I haven't even talked to him since Kristen's house last weekend. Livi has a long weekend from school. Kristen and I talked. We thought it would be a good experience for her to be in New York and took a couple extra days off for her. Katie found a way to work it into her education plan. The last week I've been there with them every day. Dodger came with me. He and Allura were in love at first sight. They've been as inseparable as their parents. Kristen laughs because I've been posting it all over Instagram. It's too cute not to. Mom and Dad are watching them for our long weekend. They insisted I call them that now. Life has been incredible. The other night we even started to discuss living together. Me living there. Her home is more suited for a family. Plus Liv's school is amazing. I feel my little girl's hand starting to shake. "Princess!" I call out to her. Catching Liv before she drops. Laying her down. Her eyes dilated. I hate this. I hate that I'm so practiced in it. My love has the timer set on her phone as I rest Liv's head on my lap. Hoping that it ends before we have to give her those rescue meds. They make her a zombie after when she has to take them. I know she would be so upset if she met Scar like that. She wakes up slowly. Thank god before the timer went off. "Hi Daddy Chris." Smiling at me. She started calling me that two days ago. It melts my heart every time she does. "Hey there pumpkin. You ok?" I ask concerned. She tells me she's fine. Thankful it happened now while no one was around. "Kristen they are coming with a wheelchair." Brian says. He had to stopped calling her Kris. It got too complicated he said. "Arg I hate that!" Liv says in a teenager tone. "Better than not having it pumpkin. Just in case. Don't worry it's just the three of us." I say trying to calm her. For some reason I started calling her pumpkin. Kristen loves it. She said a great aunt of hers used to call her that when she was little. "Daddy Chris really? I love you but you know it's never just the three of us when we go somewhere." She laughs. She's been handling that well. She thinks it hilarious that people are that interested with me that they follow us. She just sees me as Daddy Chris. It's an amazing thing to have. "You're right pumpkin. But seriously who cares?" I laugh. We're going through the airport. Just like her Mom, she's always right. I'm pushing her through. Pictures are being taken left and right. She hangs her head down embarrassed. "Hey guys, could you not? Please. She's just a kid." I sigh. I'm shocked when all the cameras drop. I thank them as does Kristen. At least some people have morals.

I look up and see something I was hoping not to see yet. There he is. A sign in front of him. Son of a b*tch. It says My Dolls. A sh*t eating grin on his face when he spots us. Liv tries to get up. I stop her. His expression changes when he sees her in the chair. He looks sad. He recovers quickly. Knowing she would struggle with that. The grin is back. I hear my girls both giggle. "Uncle Sebby!" Livi screams. He runs to her. Dropping to his knees to give her a hug. "Hey little doll! You ok?" He asks concerned. Moving her hair out of her face. Kissing her forehead with her face in his hands. Acting like I'm not even there. "I'm fine Uncle Sebby. I just got excited. You know what happens!" She laughs. He looks up at my girl. "She's fine Buck." Kristen tries to calm him by teasing him. He looks back at Liv smiling. "Well good. Because I have so much planned for you! I know last time you couldn't go to the Museum of Natural history. Guess what Uncle Bucky made sure would happen today?" He cracks up. He stands up after hugging her again. "Hey doll. I missed you both so much. You sure she's alright?" He wraps his arms lovingly around Kristen. Kissing her head. His eyes close like he's just trying to absorb everything about her. "She's fine. You're such a good Uncle. I talk to you every day. You haven't had the chance to miss me Sebby." She laughs. They have talked every day? "It's my job. Got to make sure my dolls are all good. It's not the same as seeing you though. Hey man! How are you?" He offers his hand. I take it. "I'm fantastic Seb, thank you. Been by my girls' side every day for the last week. Life is good." I fake smile at him. "I can only imagine. You're a lucky man. Maybe someday I'll be as lucky." He smiles at me. He should feel lucky they're here right now. Else he would be laid out on the floor. "Uncle Sebby I didn't know you were meeting us here." Liv says excited. "None of us did Pumpkin. Uncle Sebby's full of surprises." I glare at him without them knowing. "Just like you Daddy Chris." She giggles. His face changes. That's right man. I'm daddy. To Kristen too, I snicker to myself. "How could I let my two dolls come to my city without welcoming them? Come on! I have a ride waiting for us. I get to take my little doll all the places she always wanted to go. I can't wait to spoil you. Tomorrow doll I got us reservations for that Ramen place you like after SNL. Guess who's hosting? Then this incredible wine bar! I'm so excited you are here!" He exclaims. He's hosting? Great. I'm staying back with Liv, Scar, and her kids tomorrow night. He's taking her to dinner to her favorite place here. A wine bar too. It sounds like a date. This sucks. "What about Auntie?" Liv sounds disappointed. "No worries little doll! She said she wouldn't miss it for the world. She even teased me. Saying she can't wait to see Chris and I with a little girl in our lives. She's so thrilled to meet you." He kisses her nose as she giggles her Mama's giggle. "God you sound like your Mom. Love it! I almost forgot babe! Colin and some of the cast will be joining us at the bar. I know how much you love that show. Thought you would get a kick out of it." He smiles at my love. "Are you serious? That's incredible Sebby!" She exclaims. "Anything for you doll. I get something out of the deal though. I get to hear your giggle all night if they are with us." He cracks up. He called her babe. This weekend is going to be trying.

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