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Sakura got home 3 hours later, put her bag, down on the living room and headed to the kitchen

"Stupid Sasuke, his so annoying! And now I gotta do a project with him! Why the heck do I have to do that!!!" Sakura mumbled to herself. "Sakura? Oh you're home early" Sakura's mom told her as she walked in the kitchen. "Oh hey mom, yeah we have no team meeting today, so I left early" Sakura replied, coming to sit at the island with her Sandwich. "Oh okay, well I am about to start dinner, your dad called earlier and said he would like to speak with you, so make sure you have your homework done by the time he gets home" Mebuki replied. "Okay mom, I will."

Sakura finished eat her sandwich, drank a glass of juice and headed upstairs

Meanwhile to Sasuke who was just entering the Uchiha's estate

"Welcome home young master" Claude said bowing slightly. bowing slightly, Sasuke nodded his head and was about to head upstairs when Itachi stopped him "welcome home little brother, what no Rebecca with you today, or was it Sally, or no I believe it was Katherine" Itachi said teasing him. Sasuke glared at him "tsk! What the hell do you want Itachi!" Sasuke growled out. "Hmm I see someone is in a bad mood today, what, something didn't go your way?" Itachi replied, chuckling. "Tsk! Whatever! I don't have time for this!" Sasuke said before walking up the steps. "Oh by the way I forgot father wants to see you in his office" Itachi called out to him before walking away laughing. "DAMMIT ITACHI! I swear one of these days Imma kill him!" replied Sasuke as he walked back down the stairs and headed to the office.

15 minutes later Sasuke arrived at his father's office, he knocked and pushed open the door at his father's permission.

"Ah yes son, close the door and have a sit, there is something important we need to discuss with you" Sasuke's father said. *wait did he just say us?* Sasuke thought turning around to see Itachi leaning against the wall, and his mother sitting on the sofa. *tsk! I don't like this one bit* he thought before taking a sit in one of the chair.

"Okay son, now before we start this meeting, I will remind you, that you are to take over the business once you are done with university/college, now I know you have 3 more years of high school, but I would like to know where your head is at before I continue to speak. Will you be going to study abroad or will you be attending college here in Japan?" Fugaku asked him. Sasuke thought for a moment before answering: "I am not exactly sure, but I believe I will be staying here to study" Sasuke replied "I see and will it still be Management studies?" Mikoto asked. "Uhm I believe I will, if I am going to take over the company I should know how to run it" replied Sasuke. "Very good," Fugaku said.

"Father, can you please tell me what this is all about?" Sasuke asked, slightly irritated. Fugaku looked at Mikoto before looking back at Sasuke. "Your mother and I decided to have you marry the daughter of one of our competitors, we believe the merger of the two companies would make an unstoppable team," Fugaku told him, smiling.

*oh yeah here it comes, I already see his hand twitching* Itachi thought while observing his brother. Sasuke quickly stood up "WHAT!!! Father, tell me you're joking! How can you arrange a marriage without my knowledge!! I will not do it father! No way!! I refuse!!" Sasuke told him. *Oh boy wrong answer,  here it comes, foolish little brother this was not an option* Itachi thought as he continued to watch the transaction between them. "SASUKE UCHIHA YOU WILL SIT DOWN AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!!" Fugaku told him as he slammed his hand on the desk, making a loud cracking sound. Sasuke cursed inward and sat back down. "Now as I was saying, this agreement was made to strengthen our business ties, because like you, she will be taking over her father's company once she leaves college. So we both spoke about it, and agreed that after you both graduated college, you both will be married and merge the companies to create one" Fugaku explained to him. "But father, how can I get married to someone I don't know! What about my life!" Sasuke asked, getting irritated again. "Sasuke, have you forgotten what your promise was to us after we took you out of that situation!" Mikoto asked him in a calm but deadly tone. Sasuke signed before answering: "no mother I haven't forgotten". "So then you will comply with the arrangement with no complaints!" Mikoto told him in the same tone. "Yes mother, I understand, and I will comply, but can I atleast know who I will be getting married too?" Sasuke asked. "You will soon enough we were actually planning to have a dinner to settle everything with you guys, and don't worry, your dad and I know what we are doing, we would never have you marry someone without a good background" Mikoto told him smiling. "Okay mother, is that all? Can I take my leave now, I have my homework to finish up" Sasuke told them. "Very well, you may leave" Fugaku replied. Mikoto watched her son leave before turning saying: "Did we make the right decision by putting those two together?" "we will just have to wait and see" replied Fugaku.

Meanwhile to Sakura who is having dinner with her family and is now getting to know about the arrangement. Sakura utensil froze mid way. She slowly turn to her father "w-what-did-you-say" Sakura asked "We have arrangement for your marriage once you congrats college" jōichirō told her. Sakura quickly drop her utensils and standing up making her chair drop back "WHAT!!! FATHER HOW COULD YOU!!!" Sakura yelled. "Sakura Haruno! I suggest you pick up your chair and have a sit so we can talk about this regionally."jōichirō said to her, folding his arm. "Sakura dear, listen to what your father has to say, you know how your father gets, so why don't you listen dear" Mebuki told her, slicing through a piece of her meat. Sakura growls in frustration, picking up her chair and sat down with her arms folding. "Now before you get upset, you have to remember that taking over a business require certain arrangement, I rather that you marry someone I trust, and my business into hands I trust rather than into the hands of other family members looking to take over this business Sakura! I am not asking you to get married now! I am telling you once you finish college, you will be taking over the company in my stead, and will be married to the son of my friend's company, and the two companies will merge to create one team. You both shall run it of course, becoming both partners in business and in life". jōichirō continues to explain. Sakura becomes both enraged and saddened by the news. "Will I at least find out who I will be shackled to for the rest of my miserable life?" Sakura asked. "Sakura I would never have to bond with someone I don't know and trust, and yes we will be having dinner with him and his parents over the next break, we actually will be visiting one of their establishments" jōichirō replied. "Very well then since that is all you require of me, may I be excused then?" Sakura asked. "But Sakura, you haven't finished your dinner," Mebuki told her. "It's okay mom, I am not that hungry anymore, so can I leave now?" Sakura asked again. Sighing deeply, jōichirō agreed. They watched as Sakura left the dining room and headed up stairs. "Hunny are you sure we are doing the right thing? I mean, how are we so sure that this boy will take care of our daughter? I mean they haven't seen each other since they were young" Mebuki said. "Mebuki have you forgotten they attend the same school, they will be fine, besides, you always told me I make wise decisions, this one I believe will be the best. 

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