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2 weeks after the honeymoon was over, Sasuke and Sakura moved into their new home where they will be living together and also working together until they fully take over their father's company. They both entered the house, dropping the bags at the door, they were both greeted by Sebastian "Good evening Mr. and Mrs Uchiha, welcome home, I hope your honeymoon was a pleasant one, I will be your butler starting today, I will show you both to your suit, Ayumu will take care of your bags, shall we proceed" Sebastian asked them slightly bowing. "Uhm I have a question" Sakura asked hesitating a bit. Sebastian turns to watch her "uhm would it be okay if we uhm sleep in separate rooms?" Sakura asked, blushing slightly from embarrassment. Sebastian, who looked slightly confused, turned to look at Sasuke, who had a I don't care expression on his face. "Uhm is that alright Master Sasuke?" Sebastian asked. "Tsk! I don't care, she can do as she pleases!" Sasuke replied before walking upstairs. Sakura sighed in relief, but at the same time, deep down she was hoping he would put up a little resistance towards them sleeping separately. "Very well then M'Lady, this way then to your room" Sebastian told her leading her to the opposite side of the master suite.

15 minutes later, Sakura unpacked and flopped down on the bed thinking to herself when she heard two voices pass by. *wait that sounded like...* Sakura thought as she quietly went to the door to peek. As she opened the door she gasped. She saw Sasuke bringing someone inside the room, because it was dark, she could only see them slightly, but from what she could see, the individual with him looked familiar. Sakura slowly backed away from the door, her heart pounding, and was on the verge of tears. Holding on to her mouth Sakura backed up into the wall sliding down the wall *why? Why? Why must it be like this! He promised!* Sakura thought, and before she knew it tears were already escaping her eyes.

Meanwhile to Sasuke who was having a really good time with none other than, you guessed it Ino Yamanaka, Sakura supposedly best friend. "Sasuke-kun not there" Ino said as Sasuke licked her inner thigh. Sasuke smirked "hmmm I am surprised you agreed to coming here, I thought Sakura was your best friend" Sasuke asked her smirking. "So what! She knew how I felt about you, and she went ahead and marry you anyway! And I don't care if she didn't have a choice! She could atleast told us about it!!" Ino told him, "now I am sure you didn't call me here to talk! Let's finish this already!" Ino told him, giving him full access to her. *Hmm interesting, I think I am going to have fun with you Ino* Sasuke thought, as he continue to make out with Ino.

Few hours later Sakura came out of the room looking a whole mess but she didn't care, her heart was hurting, and I am sure whoever Sasuke had in there last night was already gone. As Sakura entered the kitchen her world stopped. "Gasp! I-Ino! No way!" Sakura said looking at Ino in disbelief. Ino looked up and smirk at her "well isn't it little miss faker!" Ino told her walking up to her. Sasuke sat there quickly looking at the exchanged with a huge smile on his face. "What are you doing here Ino?!" Sakura asked her both confused and hurt. "What it look like! I'm here for Sasuke of course!" Ino said walking over to Sasuke and kissed him. Sakura turns to glare at Sasuke before turning around and walking right back up to her room, she refuses to let Sasuke see her weak and vulnerable . *two can play that game Sasuke Uchiha, if he wants to play that game, let the game begin.

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