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3 days later: It was the morning of Christmas Sasuke woke to the sounds of Christmas carols and the sweet aroma of cake baking and eggnog punch. As Sasuke walked into the kitchen he saw Sakura removing the cake out of the oven and placing it on the counter next to the rest of them. Sasuke came up quietly behind her and held her. "Jez Sasuke, you scare me!" Sakura told him . "I am sorry blossom I couldn't help it" Sasuke told her, kissing her behind her neck. "Are you ready for the party tonight? My mom sent you the dress and shoes, with Mei, did you try it on?" Sasuke asked her. "Yes it's so lovely, but I am not sure if it would suit me, I mean it's so revealing," Sakura said blushing. "Hmmm so I tell mom you don't like it then" Sasuke asked picking Sakura up, and placing her to sit on the kitchen island. "No, no, I love the dress, I am just saying It's uhm revealing" Sakura replied looking away. Sasuke start to chuckle. "I was just teasing you blossom, and I don't mind, as long as you're all mine, I don't care who's staring at you. " Sasuke told her kissing and licking on her neck caused Sakura to moan. "Now, now mrs Uchiha, you know what happens when you moan like that, I don't want us to lose our 23-month strick now, do we" Sasuke told her as he lightly suck on her neck leaving a light love mark. "Very funny Sasuke! Now come on let's have breakfast, so we can go to the mall, I still haven't found her a gift." Sakura told him pushing off while she get off the island counter. Sasuke groans "do we have to Sakura, you know I hate the mall, and it's going to be extra crowded today." Sasuke whine. "Well you should of thought of that before you forget our lunch date yesterday" Sakura replied sticking out her tongue. "Sighh you lucky I love you Mrs Uchiha" Sasuke told her without even noticing what he just told her. Sakura froze in place "w-what did you say" Sakura asked, tearing up. Sasuke looked at her confused. "What is it? Did I say something wrong?" Sasuke asked. "No you told me  you love me, that is the first time you ever told me that" Sakura told him tears streaming down her eyes. "Sighh what will I do you with Sakura, but I do love you, I am sorry for everything else I have done to you, I do love you blossom, okay" Sasuke told her wiping away her tears. "Do you believe I love you blossom?" Sasuke asked her. Sakura nodded. Placing her head against his chest and crying some more. "Shhhh, that's enough crying Sakura, let's go eat, I thought you wanted to go shopping," Sasuke asked her. "O-okay" Sakura replied as they both went to get ready.

Later that day Sasuke and Sakura got dressed and were picked up by the family driver Yuuick

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha, are you ready to go?" Yuuicki asked them as he opened the door for them

Good evening Yuuick, nice to meet you again, yes we are ready thank you so much for your service" Sakura told him before entering the car

"You know Sakura, if I didn't know better I would say you were flirting with my driver," Sasuke told her playfully. "Haha you are very funny Sasuke!" Sakura replied as they both sat back and enjoyed the ride to the Uchiha's estate.

As they got to the house they already had a lineup of cars pulling up to the house. "Wow, that's a lot of Cars Sasuke," Sakura said nervously. "You will be fine, and you look absolutely great!" Sasuke told her kissing the back of her hand before exiting the car.

When they got inside Sakura was wowed by the Christmas decoration and the size of the tree inside. "Omg Sasuke look at all these gifts, now I am starting to think my gifts are irrelevant now" Sakura whispered to him. "Whatever you give is always welcome Sakura '' a voice said from behind them. As they turned around they saw Mikoto "good evening mother" Sasuke said kissing his mother on her cheek. "Hello son, I am glad you two made it. Sakura dear you looked stunning, I am glad you wore the outfit I sent you." Mikoto told her hugging her. "Thank you, I loved it very much," Sakura replied. "Hey little brother, glad to see you made it on time for once, I guess we all have to thank Sakura for that, you look beautiful little sister," Itachi said coming up behind them. "Don't start today, Itachi!" Sasuke said, which made everyone laugh. "Okay get yourself comfortable, we are just waiting for a few people before we can open the den," Mikoto told them before going to meet and greet more of her guests. Sakura in return placed her gift for the family under the tree and then walked around with Sasuke.

The night went smoothly, the dinner went off without a hitch, everyone was laughing and talking, Sasuke and Sakura were mingling and talking with the guests, then in the middle of all the greeting and talking, in walked a woman in a thigh-high slit red-dressed, fur coat, strawberry brunette hair, dark green eye, flawless skin, legs for days, she looked like a model or something. "Sasuke? Sasuke Uchiha, It's been a while, why haven't you called me" the woman said as she walked in. all eyes turn to watch her. *oh boy this can't be good, who the hell invited her here* Itachi thought watching the scene unfold before him. Sasuke turns to watch the woman, all color draining from his face, once again, Sakura saw this reaction before and thought: *Oh Gosh no don't tell me she's another one he self with! I can't handle this today!* Sakura thought getting nervous. "Sophia, long time no see, how are you dear, how is your father? Is he okay" Mikoto asked her, cutting her off from Sasuke and Sakura's view. "Ah yes, my father is in good health, He sends his regards" Sophia replied. Sakura and Sasuke moved to the outside balcony because he could feel Sakura's anxiety. "Sakura are you alright?" Sasuke asked her. "Who was that Sasuke? Do I even want to know?" Sakura asked, on the verge of tears. "Sakura, I don't want you to hate me, she's an old...." Sasuke didn't have time to finish when Sophia came to join them "There you are Sasuke, I was looking all over for you," Sophia said totally ignoring Sakura and coming over and kissing Sasuke. "Gasp! No! No, not again, I'm sorry I can't stay here" Sakura said taking off. "Sakura wait! Dammit, why must we always end up like this! Look Sophia, I can't be with you, I am sorry, I have a wife, I always did when we slept together, I am sorry I lied to you, but I am not leaving my wife for you." Sasuke told her before going after Sakura. Mikoto, who was listening, smiled before moving away.

Sakura grabbed her coat and went for a walk through the snow until sat on the bench not too far from the house. *How could he do this to me yet again! He didn't even....* Sakura's thoughts were interrupted by someone handing her a napkin. She looked up to see Itachi. "You looked like you have a lot on your mind, want to talk about it," Itachi asked her. Taking the napkin she wiped her eyes away. "I am fine, I don't need to talk about anything, I mean what was I expecting from him, I mean, who am I to him anyway," Sakura said as more tears flow from her eyes. "Sakura I don't think you believe that, I know my brother, and he really loves you, that girl was someone he had relations with, but we spoke to him after that. And since then he has been behaving himself." Itachi told her. Sakura looked up at him confused. "What do you mean spoke to him," Sakura asked. "After father and mother found out of his infidelity. And so mother demanded that he put a stop to it." Itachi told him "so wait a minute does that mean he is only doing this because your mother and father forced him to?" Sakura asked Itachi getting all twisted in her mind now. "Sakura I think you taking things out of context," Itachi told her. At the same time, Sasuke run up to them breathless they both turn to watch him

"T-there you are, I have been looking all over for you," Sasuke said walking over to them. "I will give you two some privacy," Itachi Said before leaving "try not to blow it again Sasuke, you have a good one, so don't be reckless," Itachi told him as he passed him by. As soon as Itachi left Sasuke walked up to Sakura, "Sakura please let me explain" Sasuke started. "I am sorry no more, I want a divorce" 

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