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After a long time! I got so many dms that as to why I'm not continuing this book. It's not like that. I have ideas but those have too much sexual fantasy and I didn't want to write them with this.

But enjoy this one! Ignore the typos and happy reading!

He was sitting on the dining table with his family and having breakfast. Getting late, he was rushing things up but something made him choke his food. He coughed badly and glared at his wife, who was behaving naughty since two days.

"Ahaan... Are you fine son?" His mother asked.

"Yes mom. I'm fine." He replied while glaring his wife who was battling her eyelashes with innocence.

As soon as he started eating again, he again felt something grazing his legs. He looked at his wife who was eating and then looked at him with a cute face, as if asking what happened.

He pushed her leg away and concentrated on his breakfast while she made a grumpy face. She muttered some curses under her breath when she couldn't feel his feet near her legs as he had kept his legs a little away, so that she wouldn't touch them and tease him.

She again smirked at him and trailed her legs on the shin of his legs, seductively. He stopped eating and rolled his eyes in pleasure while she smirked at his reaction.

Her toes were grazing his legs seductively while moving upwards and towards his calf. He glared her to stop but how can she!? She is his risky wife and was high on her hormones as well.

"Stop it." He whispered in his wife's ears, who was just sitting right next to him.

Her legs stopped at his knees, as she, intentionally, dropped her spoon. She looked around others, who were too busy to notice anything. The elder men had gone after the breakfast, the elder ladies were busy gossiping and her brother-in-law wasn't there.

She bent and got inside the table. She trailed her fingers on his legs, seducing him and started trailing them from his ankle to the shin of his leg to his calf. Her fingers were grazing his skin over the cloth of his jeans and were making him loose his control. But he was stubborn.

She trailed her fingers more upwards when she stopped just above his Jean button. He closed his eyes and suppressed his groan and held onto his fist tight. He raised the table cloth a bit, making sure nobody noticing them, and shook his head while glaring at her. She gave him a air kiss while being on her knees. She was about to open the belt when he held her hand. She seductively trailed her other hand on the upper parts of his knees, reaching over his clothed bulge, making him loose the hold over her hand. She removed her hand from his clutch and started circling over his clothed bulge with the help of her index finger.

He was trying to suppress his groans and maintain a straight face but couldn't. A moan escaped his mouth, making the other ladies look at him.

"What happened Ahaan!? You don't look good." His grandmother asked.

"I'm fine, grandma. Believe me." He said while she was stroking his hardness, over the jeans, trying to seduce him.

"Where is Ishqi!? She was here just now. I had some work with her." His mother asked him, looking around for her.

"She must be in her room. I don't know." He was trying to supress the grunts that she was trying her best to release.

He didn't know when she opened the belt and the button with the zip while he was busy with the elder ladies. She could see the hard on he got, after her tricks. Still he was denying. Rude man! She thought.

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