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After infinity!? But still updated!
I swear if I got less comments than I'll again make you wait another month. Ignore the typos.

He was just exiting the building where he worked as CEO but a strong Jasmine cologne stopped him. He looked around to find her but she wasn't there.

Thinking this to be his another imagination, he shrugged away the thoughts and walked again towards his car.

He stopped before opening the car door as someone kept a hand on his shoulder. As if sensing a familiar touch, his lips curved upwards and he was about to turn back but got stopped by a voice.

"Don't turn. A surprise for you." Saying this, the voice blindfolded him while his lips still didn't turn downwards.

The owner of the voice held his hand and took him to the other direction and made him seat on the passenger seat while making itself comfortable on the driver's seat.

"Ishqiii!! Where are you taking me?" He asked being impatient plus not getting to see anything or precisely her as his ladylove had blindfolded him.

He didn't hear anything from her but he was sure that he muttered her say something like...

"Towards a new fantasy."

He shrugged away as he thought he was thinking too much but then his nostrils hit a different smell.

"Do you smell something... Weird?"

"No... Why do you ask, Ahaan?" He heard her muffled voice.

"Just like that." He said with a drowsy voice as he closed his eyelids inside his blindfold and felt his body relaxing.


He opened his lashes only to find darkness around himself but also feeling the same type of cloth around his eyes, getting him the thing that he's still blindfolded.

He tried to move but couldn't. He gasped as he realised that he was sitting on a chair like object while his hands were tied on the back.

He struggled while shouting Ishqi's name but nothing helped. He still struggled and cursed whosoever did this to him and swore loudly to rot that person in hell but soon his voice died down as he heard her voice.


She said it way more softly, than usual. He was worried now. Is she safe? Is she alright? Hope she is doing good.

But all his worry-ful thoughts got halted as someone opened the knot of the blindfold as his eyes got shut, unable to adjust to the light and the blindfold slid down from his eyes to his lap.

He opened his eyes, slowly, to see that nobody was there. He looked around but couldn't find trace of anyone being there.

Suddenly, a spotlight turned on, making him look at his right direction as a lady, in a black 3-4 dress, with a plunged neck one and a slit on her left leg, making her thigh visible, with a black mask on her face, started coming towards him. He gasped at the sight.

"Ishqi?" He was eager to find out about that lady as his intuitions were urging him that it was her but still, he needed assurance.

He saw her face turned into a smirk as she removed the mask, making his intuitions correct. He was mesmerized at the sight. His ladylove in such a hot outfit but on the other hand, confused about the situations being in. He looked at her worriedly and confusingly.

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