Chapter Two

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The whole ride home I couldn't stop thinking about Eloise and our handshake. I don't understand why I keep thinking about her. She was just someone I met. But... there's something compelling about her.

"What's got you in such a pleasant mood?" William nudges me, pushing me up against the side of the carriage.

"Ugh I should've ridden with Mother and Father"

"Too late now sister. Why are you so happy?"

"Why do you two suddenly care so much about my mood?"

"It's the one time you've walked away from a social event smiling. Just want to make sure you're not high"

"I'm so glad you're concerned with my well being"

"Always here for you Clara" Henry nods at me and I roll my eyes at him.

It was a short ride from the races back into town. The whole way home I try to push Miss Eloise from my mind and replace it with anything. I stare out the window and imagine painting the scenery. Using the different greens and blues for the trees, dabbing the canvas to make clouds. Painting the smaller curls giving it some depth, using a light pink on the cheeks, all the different types of blues and grays in the eyes...

Fuck. Why can't I get her out of my mind? I talked to her for three minutes and had a maximum of two seconds of physical contact. That's nothing special. I just summarized every conversation I've ever had with any man ever. What was so different about her?

"Hey Clara" Henry snaps his fingers and brings me back to reality. "We're home"

I take the footman's hand and exit the carriage, nearly getting tackled by Oliver. I scoop him up and prop him up on my hip, faking a smile for mother and father as they approach.

"Races were fun today, were they not?" Mother says, stroking my hair. It takes everything in me to not flinch away when she touches my hair.

"I saw the horses!" Oli quips smiling at me.

"We have horses at home Oli" I say chuckling, starting up the steps to the house.

"But these are big horses!" I set him down and he ran inside.

"How long are we here for?" I turn around, stopping mother and father behind me.

"At least until the season is over" Father says, sneaking past me.

"At least?" I repeat, looking after father, who had already disappeared. I turned back to mother, but she seemed to sneak past me as well.

"We're leaving for the Bridgertons in a little bit" Mother calls from another room.

"Cool" I say, rolling my eyes and going up to my room. I shut my door and press my back against it, taking in the silence. Natural light flooded in from the several windows, casting my shadow across the carpet as I walked over to the bed. I flop onto my back and stare up at the canopy. I traced the pattern with my eyes, finding the small corner of the canopy that I painted a sunset with a silhouette of two people.

The people suddenly looked like Eloise and myself. I furrow my brow and cock my head, staring at the corner more closely. I blink and it goes away and just looks like two people. In frustration, I grab one of the pillows from above me and press it against my face muffling my scream.

"Clara..." I pull the pillow off of my face and look up, finding my maid standing in the doorway thoroughly concerned.

"I'm okay Ella"

"Okay... your parents say to get ready for the Bridgertons. And I also have something for you." She holds up a pamphlet and sets it on the desk "Downstairs in fifteen minuets" Ella calls as she closes the door.

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