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I pass everyone and enter the school, ignoring the curious faces, when suddenly the bell rings and everyone hurries to class. I got my papers yesterday over e-mail so I know where to be.

First period is Math with Miss Hamphson. Fun. And please note the sarcasm.

Everyone is already seated when I make my way to one of the two only empty seats left. One is next to a boy and another one next to a girl infornt of the boy with the other empty seat. I'll pick the girl. She might be nice.
I get seated next to her and place my book on the table.

"Hi." She says quielty.


"Apologies for being so curious, but are you new here?" She asks looking at me. Her curious blue colourd eyes go up and down and she takes me in for a moment. She has chestnut brown hair, which make her eyes stand out.

"Ye, I am. I'm Iris Felmont. Nice to meet you."

She smiles, sticking out her hand. "Alexa. Alexa McRiven. I noticed your accent before, but your last name made me sure. You must be French."

"Half, my dad is. And I grew up with him so my accent is probably thicker then my brother's."

"You have a brother?"

"Yes, but I never see him. Our parents are divorced and I live with our father and he lives with our mother God knows where."

"I am sorry to hear that." She smiles softly.

Before I can say anything Miss Hamphson interupts us. "Ladies, be quiet please."

And so we did.

Suddenly the door flies open and a boy walks in. He has chestnut brown hair and blue eyes, like Alexa. But unlike her his face is unreadable. He looks immediately in our direction. They must be siblings.

"And why are you so late, McRiven?" Her brother indeed. He just ignores her and walks to the empty seat behind me. 

"Good to see you were atleast here at the right time Alex." He whispers.

"Shut up. We'll talk later Evan." So the boy is called Evan.

Math class passed slowely and when I was drifting off to sleep the bell rang.

"See you around!" Alexa said, while her brother gave me a death glare. "Bye!" I smiled at her ignoring Evan's piercing eyes. What is worng with him?

Next period: History. I thought nothing was more boring then math but ignore I said. History is.

Now again, I was late and there were again only two empty seats next to eachother. I picked the on next to the window and started staring outside as the teacher started his lesson about the first world war. I wished the topic was the French revolution. I know all about it.

15 minutes after class started a boy walked in not even bothering to look at the teacher. He came over and sat next to me.

"Theodore Wilson. Would you mind explaining why you are too late again." The teacher looked at him furious.

"Yes I actually would mind. Now you may continue your lesson." He just shrugged.

The teacher looked at him stunned for a moment before continuing his lesson, so I started staring outside the window again.

"Miss Felmont. As you are showing so much interest in my subject, you may answer my question." The sarcasm is driping of his tone and I look at him, giving him an disgusted look.

He just continues and ask his question. "In what year did the attack on Pearl Harbor happen." My eyes go wide as I don't know the answer. I act like I am thinking, while I'm actually having a small panic attack.

"7 december 1941." Someone whispers next to me.

"1941." I answer.

The teacher nods his head and continues his lesson. I look up at the person who helped me out and looked straight in the boy from earlier his eyes.

"tha-" Before I could finish he gives me a small smile and continues listening to the teacher. Okay that was it then.

During this class, I got to learn that Theodore wilson isn't that typical bad boy like you see in your favourite high-school drama movies. He is really smart, but has this 'I don't give a fuck' attitude. He knows everything and the things he doesn't know, he absorbs like a sponge absorbs water. He isn't even interested in the latest gossip that suddenly went trough the classroom about a girl who got pregnant. 

The bell rang, making me jump on my feet and rushing out of the classroom straight to my locker to pack my books for the next period. 

As I got my books and turned around to look for the next classroom I saw Evan and Alexa talking and laughing with two boys. A second later Theodore joined them.

Alexa noticed me and walked over to me, making the three boys look curious at me and Evan giving me that disgusted look.

"Hi Iris. I heard you have history with Theodore. What other classes do you have today?" She said quielty. 

"Let me see. Now I've got literature and after lunch art, science and PE." I smiled. Was I making a new friend?

"I don't really know anyone special who has now literature, but you have PE with Evan and science with Marcus. Beware though, he has two left hands." She giggles the last part.

"Nice. Well, I've got to get going. I'll see you later." I was ready to leave, but she grabbed my wrist.

"Wait I'll give you my number so we can text sometimes. As you have probably seen already I al stuck with four boys." She laughed and I smiled.

We exhanged numbers and I hurried to literature.

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