Conundrum | Mini Series 0.4

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Later that same day|6pm

A hard knock to Bishop's door knocked him out his afternoon solo spiff session.

He paused his 2k22 game on his Ps5 sucking hid teeth, putting down his controller. Only one person knew where he lived and that person also had a spare key.

Bishop stood up stretching as he lightly scratched his six pack that was tatted with God Son across it. After ashing his blunt and putting it out in his black ash tray he pulled his gray sweatpants up on his hips as his Supreme slippers covered feet made their way to the front door of his two level penthouse loft.

Swinging the door open he sucked his teeth again looking at a smiling Sincere posted up on against his front door way wall.

" fuck you smiling about"

" I ran into shorty I was telling you about today from the club"

Bishop nodded at Sincere as he closed the door, locking it behind them, heading into his living room.

" oh you mean the one whose number you didn't get "

The two best friends had been friends since they were 8 and 11 years old. Bishop being the senior out the two. Both growing up in Harlem running the streets the two youths met on the basketball court one day after a fight broke between their two teams.

Instantly the two hit it off even though they were night and day the two friends where inseparable.

Bishop was always the calm and cool one but never get it twisted he was a genius when it came to numbers and it just so happened to also be into gun play. A hobby of his only only now the legitimate businesss man only shot his guns at the gun range.

Bishop grew up a product of NYC Ophans system. Never knowing his parents Bishop grew up hard and closed off. The only time he ever got good meals was when he stayed the weekends at Sincere's grandmothers house on the East side.

After aging out of system at 18 Bishop took to the street like a alligator to water. And right by his side was his right hand man, Sincere, the streets was their playground.

Losing his Fiancé in a careless street war caused him to really sit back and re thick his life plan and after 5 hard years in the game. Both men took their millions and invested in properties all across the city and Club Sinners. Now at 32 and 34 years old both men where comfortable.

Now the two friends shared the top floor  level penthouses A and B on 98th street and Central Park West.  Which is why Bishop was confused as to why Sincere was at his house when he lived literally down the hall.

But that was Sincere. A reformed stone cold killer who only kept his family and his gun close. And when he met family Sincere met his Grandmother and Bishop. He was an only child of two teenagers that couldn't handle responsibility, lucky for him his mother's mother was an Angel and raised him up.

Tho both his parents where still alive Sincere didn't fuck with either one of them. But that was how he was.. he didn't forgive. He was the muscle out of the two, most men feared him and women wanted to fuck him.

Neither he let bother him.

Yeah he had fucked a few chicks in his life but serious relationship, nah. What time did he have? Money needed to be made and his grandmother needed a newer house. He had goals and women usually didn't understand his drive nor his hustle.

" word, was talking about her all week"

Bishop let out with a rasp as he walked to his kitchen grabbing two Gatorades from
his stainless steel fridge.

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