Love is Crazy (O1)

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*Justin please don't go don't go please...JUSTIN!!!!....*gun shot*

I woke up sweating with tears running down my face I glanced over to see what time it is,it was 5am it's the time like these that I don't want to go to sleep because I can't forget that mom came running in looking like she was about to shoot someone then she looked at me...

Mom: Did you have the dream again?


Mom: do you want to talk about it?

Me:No I can't...

She came and sat next me her face looked like she was going to give me the mom" when I was your age"talk I might be sad but im not that sad to listen to some back in the old days shit..>.<

Mom:honey I don't know what to say but...."when I was your age"-_-...the same thing happened to me but instead of crying my eyes out and waking my mama up from her beauty sleep...I grew stronger and one day you will too..

Me:sure thank now can I back to sleep?..

Mom:Hell no you got school today you might be sad but that doesn't mean that your going to be late on you first day....

Me: THANKS MA!!! >.<

Mom:your welcome I got to go and remember me and your father are leaving today to go to Miami for business ok

Me:Why can't I come again

Mom:you know why and because I said so

Me: *mumbles* that seems like alot of bull shit to me..

Mom:What!?! you said I didn't hear you...

Me:nothing mama I said I going to get ready now...

Mom:that's what I thought and remember someone is coming to watch you while were gone ok

Me: I don't understand why but ok...but who

Mom: I don't know your fathers friends kid I think they go to your school....

Me: ok I guess

Mom: ok will im going to finish packing and go wake your lazy bone father up he think im going to fix his stuff nigga got me jacked up


Mom:What..?...oh just go and get ready...

She walked out my room and the next thing I heard a big ass smack and Harry (step dad) saying "WHAT DID I DO?" But oh well I guess it was nothing so I got up and went to the bathroom I hope today will be awesome....

I walked to my bathroom and flat iron my hair and walk to the closet and put on my geek top,h&m jeans,and slipped on my high tops then walked to my jewelry box and put on my pearl bracelet and earrings....

I walked down stair and made some breakfast and when I mean by breakfast is an apple and orange juice not the best combination :/ then I saw Harry looking at me that made me jump...that man is a ghost sometimes

Harry: Good morning angel

Me:Don't call me that only my friends call me that

Harry:So im not your friend im hurt...

Me:And your not my dad neither so we both are hurt

Harry:I know that you don't like me but I'm your dad now and nothing can change that..

Me:Divorce can...

Harry:Just give me a chance?

Me:Fine but break my mom heart than you will never say "I do" ever again

Harry: I love your mom and I will never do that to her and if I ever do you can run me over with a truck..

Me:Buy me the truck then will talk...anyway I to go I can't be late

Harry: ok bye angel.....WAIT WHAT!!

I ran out the door and got in my car and drove off to school..

*At School*

I walked in the doors of the school ugh I hate being clueless on where to go where to sit I hate being new ugh...I took my schedule out and walked around the school trying to find my class well I didn't find that but I did find something my locker put in the combination but it didn't want to budge I tried again still nothing I kicked and slapped it still nothing I was almost about to burst and then I felt someone behind me I turn around and saw this sexy boy with an afro looking at me and biting his lower lip....

Me:Can I help you and keep your eyes up here

??:Oh sorry girl I can't help myself of looking at fine especially that ass

Me:Excuse me I don't know you..

??:sorry my name is Princeton your future boyfriend and what your name girl

Me:In your dreams and my name is Angela but people call me angel

Prince:I can see why they call you that....*bites lips* so I see that you need a little bit of help there

He pointed at my locker...

Me: Nothing that I can't handle....

Prince:Sure you can I can see move and let me show you how a boss do it..

I moved and gived him that code to unlocked the locker first when he tried it didn't open and then he slammed him fist on it and it popped open...

Me:How did you do that...?

Prince: My hands are not only to make girl scream ;) but it can open lockers I think I deserve an award....

Me:Oh really what do you want?

Prince:How about a kiss...?

Me: Ok close your eyes

I walk up to him and slap his head grabbed my stuff and ran im ass far away from him....I saw him from afar laughing and saying "ima get you back angel just watch" ohh I'm so scared....I looked my paper again and it said that I have gym and the door number was 206 sometimes I think that schools needs gps systems then I finally found the door and walked in...

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