Chapter 20 - A Thought Or Two

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Papyrus didn't want to hang out with him. That's what Sans had realized. Staring up at the ceiling in silence. He wanted Mettaton's attention on himself. He didn't want to share any hint of spotlight with Sans.

The simple notion of pretending he would have invited Sans was enough to make it hurt twice as much. Papyrus was straight up lying to him.

But he was too.

The others in the house had all heard the exchange. But it was Smile Dog who decided to go comfort Sans first. He trotted into his room, and without any words, curled up next to Sans.

"He lied to me."

"He did."

Sans glanced over. "But I've lied to him too. So we're just equal then, right?"

"You're lying to him to protect us from the police, and from the chair. We both know Jeff's going to be executed if he's caught again." Smile Dog nudged up against Sans' arm to get him to turn. "Papyrus lied to you because he wanted to boost his own ego. Pretend that he's more important than you by not inviting you."

"But he is, isn't he?"

"Sans, how long have you had these thoughts?"

Sans blinked. Awhile, he guessed. Paps was the only family he ever had, of course his little brother was the most important thing to him. And Sans always told him that, stepped aside and let him take the attention.

"Do you think that maybe, just maybe, Papyrus is a bit... focused on himself?" Smile Dog asked.

"What'd ya mean with that?"

"I think you know."

He did. Papyrus always was 'Papyrus focused'. But it was never bad, it was just quirky!

The skeleton reached out a hand and quietly ran his fingers through Smile Dog's fur. It was nice to just sit and chill like this. Not have to stress about his problems, his troubles.

What even happened to them? His brother was acting weird, along with everyone else. First Charlie, now this. Something was definitely going on. There had to be.

"Maybe Paps is stressed, or maybe he's..." Sans tried in a desperate plea to make sense of this, but Smile Dog's thoughtful stare shut him down.

"Sans, have you considered that you're starting to notice this now because you're finally standing up for yourself?"

"That can't be it. I don't really need'a stand up for myself."

It was true. He was a laid back guy, he never really did intervene with things. Sure, he did have preferences, but he was fine with decisions others made.

"Think back to how you even saw Slenderman, what were you doing?" Smile Dog asked.

"Subbing. For Tori. I promised her a favor so I went in for her." Sans smiled at that memory of them talking, making that promise. Toriel loved children so much that she was worried for what would happen without their teacher around.

"What did she do in return for you?" Smile Dog asked.

Sans paused. "She makes us all food during our weekly dinners."

"Sans, what has she done as a favor for you specifically?"

Oh. Wow. He shouldn't have to rack up his brain just to try and remember the last time she did something for him personally. And he kept trying to remember.


"That doesn't... mean anything," Sans said. The words were starting to feel more forced recently.

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