Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey y'all, I know you missed me! Nah, you didn't miss me, you didn't. You don't even know my real name! Except for my followers. I'm such a sad child with just 3 followers.😭Oh, now that I think of it, I wanted to ask for a favor from y'all. Could please check out my sister, Akira-chan016, she published a story similar to mine. It's called "The heroine is my step-sister!". And that's why I am going to publish this late. Plus I was watching some videos from a Gachatuber (Mıss Chøcølate). Bruh I feel like I'm advertising something.😂Anyway, let us begin!

Third POV?

"Do you know Lily Barnes?" (A/N: Guys, this is her last name now and if I mentioned another name in a chapter, I can't find it. Since I'm so lazy to look for it another 10 hours, I'm gonna make this her last name.) 

"No, I don't, who is she?"

"You don't!? She's famous for messing with Lady Marybell and even trying to seduce her fiancé, the Crown Prince!" 

"Oh my god! How could she!? Why is she doing that!?" 

"I bet she wants attention and the Crown Princess title. But she'll never get it, no matter how hard she tries."

"What a b*tch, I pity Lady Marybell who has to suffer from all her deeds."

"But she did get what she deserved. You see, she got humiliated by the Crown Prince and Master Maxwell at a festival. And a day before, she framed Lady Marybell and she was called to the office. However, her plans were ruined by Lady Marybell, when she exposed her!"

"Wow, Lady Marybell is so awesome and cool! I wish I was like her!" (A/N: Does anyone know MLB? If yes make a cat pun of this sentence. It's easy.😸 And yes girl, me too, me too. I wanna be like her too.🥲)

"I agree with you!"

(A/N: Those are rumors about them, don't think she's in school. It's actually the weekend)

Mary's POV again

I am tired as f*ck...of this lifestyle! It's wake up, eat, go to school, come home, do nothing, sleep and repeat! Sometimes I really wish I didn't get reincarnated in this game! Ugh, I'm gonna die of boredness! (A/N: Don't die now! I still need to finish this story! How am I supposed to do that if you die on me now!😭)Wait...can't I just go to the library and find some books to read and cure my boredom. (A/N: Nani!? Boredness is an illness!? But hey, I cured mine by writing this.🤡 You should try that too, Hunny.) Before that, I need to find Aki!

"Lady Marybell? Why are dressing up!?" Emma exclaimed. "Why not? I'm going to Lady Amanda's mansion, please prepare a carriage, Emma." I asked of her. "But Mylady! Don't you need to send a letter to let them know? It's polite." she said. "That's gonna take too long! And it's fine, because we are close friends. She isn't going to mind if I barge into her room this moment." I explained to her and she went out of my room after, to get a carriage for me. I gave a quick look in the mirror and checked my appearance. "Alright! Let's go!" I said to myself and stepped into it. Wait, I forgot Onii-chan! Oh well, I'll just tell him what happened while I was with Aki. 

At Aki's mansion...(A/N: Yeah, if you forgot, Mandy is Aki. So Mary is going to refer to her as Aki, not Mandy or Amanda.)

"Lady Mary? What are you doing here?" Aki's mom looked at me confused. "Aunty! I'm looking for Mandy, is she at home?" I urged her to answer. "Oh, of course! She's in her room." her mom gave a response and luckily did not question me why I asked her this. I thanked her quickly and tippy-toed to my best friend's room. "I am here!" I screamed my head off after I surprised her by opening the door to her room. "Mary! W-what are you doing here!?" she awkwardly asked me. "Y-yes, what are you doing here, Mary?" he repeated her question. I looked to Aki and then Onii-chan. After some moments I began to grin from ear to ear and said afterward: "Was I disturbing you?~ And how long were you here brother? I didn't see you at dinner.~ Did you maybe sneak out just to see Mandy?~ That's so romantic.~" He turned away embarrassed and quickly left the room. Sadly he couldn't see the smug face I showed Aki. "Explain, right now!" I demanded from Aki, before she could make up an excuse. "Ah-I-umm, it's not what it seems!" she warned me, but I didn't listen. "Tell me what happened or I'll read the whole school your diary out loud," I said holding her diary in my right hand. "Alright, alright! We just talked!" she admitted, but I knew that she was lying. "Oh my god, how could you lie to me, your bestie who lived in Japan just like you! I'm so sad now!" I faked my tears and even fell to the floor. "I wasn't lying!" she insisted. "You know what, you don't have to tell me, I'll just have live with it." I pouted and crossed my arms. "Fine, you win! I'll tell you!" she decided. "Yay, so what else happened?" I urged her to tell me. "Well we did talk and after some time we k-k-kissed..." she finally revealed. "WHAT!? HE KISSED YOU!?" I exclaimed and almost jumped up. "Stop shouting! My parents will hear you!" she warned me not to yell at her too loud. "Yeah, yeah. I just can't imagine Onii-chan kissing someone unless it's you.~" I joked and her cheeks immediately flushed bright red. "Stop it. Don't tease me!" she pouted. "Sure, sure. Anyway, wanna go to the public library to find some hot books?~" I invited her to the library. "Of course." she said before she informed her mom. 

In the library, cuz why not do a time-skip...

"Yua, look what I found!~" my bestie was overjoyed to show me something. "What the f*ck is it?" I said annoyed. I found a trashy book and read it, because I was curious, but it was just sh*t. "Oh, how feisty. I found a corner with some BL, come here check it out!" she called for me. But she didn't have to repeat that twice, because I ran faster than Minato when I heard her say BL. (A/N: ⭐She's a runner, she's a track star.🌟But she can run faster than Minato!? That's unheard of!)     "Where, show me, show me!" I repeated excitedly. Oh did I mention that I support LGBTQ+? And like to read Yaoi? I think I didn't. "Wow, you missed BL that much?" she asked me. "Yes, because I need a daily dose of Yaoi or I wouldn't stay sane." I explained to her. "What the h*ll? So your saying I am besties with an insane weirdo?" she said. "Yes, live with it." I told her before snatching the book she was holding and crawled into a corner where nobody could find me. Or so thought. 

"Mary, what are you doing here in the library? "a person suddenly appeared in front of me. "Ah-umm, Cain, what are you doing here!?" I awkwardly laughed. "I was going to read here, but I found you. Anyway, what are you reading?" he asked and before I could answer, he leaned in closer to me. I began to feel hot and realized something. F*ck, please don't look at the title, please don't look at the title! I prayed crazy, cuz the title of the book, I was reading was "Please don't do this, my Prince!". (A/N: I just came up with this and don't know, so please don't ask.) "I'm reading a book," I replied shortly, but it didn't help. He came closer than this and I almost fainted...

To be continued..................................................................................................................................

A/N: Humans who are reading this, you can look forward to the next chapter. Cuz it's gonna be something hot and I'm talking the innocent beans out there. As you might've read already, my sister(Akira-chan016) wrote a story similar to mine. Please check it out! Hopefully, you have a good morning/day/evening!( •̀ ω •́ )✧God, I am hungry.

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