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There was an art project (this project was a while back, I drew this is 2021 beginning of the school year) where we had to draw dragon eyes and these were my sketches-

There was an art project (this project was a while back, I drew this is 2021 beginning of the school year) where we had to draw dragon eyes and these were my sketches-

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Some of them are obviously better than others. My favorite one is the top right one, I just love it so much. That one, though, looks more like a crocodile so I didn't want to do that one. At the time I didn't like any of the others and was really struggling with ideas so I asked is I could do a full face, it seemed easier to me, and this is what happened-

 At the time I didn't like any of the others and was really struggling with ideas so I asked is I could do a full face, it seemed easier to me, and this is what happened-

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I had a lot of fun with it but the end result wasn't that great, so I won't show that, plus it's hidden somewhere.
My dragons are no where near as impressive as DragonPaint they are so freaking good at drawing dragons it's amazing, you should definitely check them out for some quality art and stories.

I hope you have an amazing day, afternoon, or night and until next time your beautiful beans!!!


April 19, 2022

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