strange places

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The groans and growls of the large reptiles echoed through the hall, Large and Small they cried constantly for food and freedom and you couldn't help but feel a bit of sympathy for them. What even brought you here in the first place? Well of course you'd gone bankrupt, only enough money too pay rent in the small apartment of yours and eat cheap instant ramen for most meals. Jobs were hard too find as you didn't have a car and where you lived was scarce in sense of public transportation. So when you got a "special" email from a shady company in the mountains that offered great Amounts of salary, you couldn't turn down the offer. Once you applied and were (surprisingly) accepted, many people showed up at your apartment door, you thought they were going too arrest you, even tho you have only stolen from the gas station.. 3.. 4.. 16 times.. but no these were men hired too bring you too your new job.

You soon found out it was a illegal company which had somehow brought the dinosaurs off the themepark that was abandoned due too a incident there years ago. But you didn't care much about the law or obeying it, you were in it for the pay just like many others there. Fast forward too now, your job was to mainly monitor the dinosaurs, kept in a long hallway in small mechanical cages. Occasionally you fed the smaller ones, but the bigger ones were fed by more "professional feeders" you didn't have much Intel on dinosaurs, but you knew enough that they would gladly chomp a limb of yours off in means too escape.
The screeching roar of a allosaurus knocked you out of your thoughts. And you continued sweeping the floors of the hall, sometimes you would wonder what the dinosaurs were being used for, obviously nothing good. Sometimes you would hear some overtalk of war and money from doctor Wu and other people whenever they walked through. Which you weren't technically allowed too hear, but can't just control your ears not too! You watch your broom sweep across the floor, you've atleast done this 100 times and yet every stride there was a bunch of dust too collect.

"You." A voice shot through the silence, it was dr.Wu. director of the more sciencey side of dinosaurs. You stated around the room, before deciding too reply "Yes?" You replied in a small tone, were you in trouble? Would you get fired?

"Come with me." He spoke in a cold voice, turning away with you following quickly behind

Demon Of Lockwood.  (Indoraptor Y/N Vore)Where stories live. Discover now