creatures domain.

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No.. Wu didn't instruct me too bring any meat, I don't know where any is, did he really intend of feeding ME too this thing? Depending what it was if course..  you had been in the cage for a few long minutes now, while frozen in fear your eyes had adjusted slightly too the darkness.a sudden idea came to mind and you scrabbled your  hand in your pocket. Yes! You had your phone on you, you brought it out too use the built in light    as you brought it out the screen flashed a alarming notification, it was 3% on battery, of course it was. Luck was just against you today.  You used the phone light, but with its current battery levels it was a low flickering, and not very helpful light. Only a few steps forward and you tripped. Turning you phone too look down. Your face whitened  a.. a.  A human skull lay on the hard concrete floor infront of you, as you shone your light slowly around, more bones and joints revealed themselves. You felt like you were about too pass out, you  took a tight grip on the key and ran back too the gate.  Trying too fit your hand through the bars too unlock yourself, you wanted too scream and shout for help. But that would only attract whatever was in the cage with you that had been leaving those bones.   

A sudden snort of hot warm breath engulfed they back of your neck, and you froze. Too scared too even turn, you felt it bring long icy claws up your back. Drag them over your shoulder, and pluck the gate key out of your hands. Your only chance was gone. You were hopeless now

You slowly inched around, forcing yourself too look at this.. black beast, lighter gray scales made the way under its chest and up it's neck, a large rounded jaw with large searing teeth stuck from its muzzle like a crocodile, along its neck and back quills covered.. and a bright stripe of firey yellow dragged from its head down its body.  It met you with piercing red eyes, excitement and rage burned within them, almost just like s humans in the sense of emotion.    You could only stare in a state of shock and terror,. And with the split movement of its jaw and neck, it clamped it's jaws around your face.

Demon Of Lockwood.  (Indoraptor Y/N Vore)Where stories live. Discover now