Belly of the beast

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You expected too die quickly there and right there, but it had a somewhat light grasp on you so you tried too escape, you brought your hands up and tried too pry it's jaw open, or pull you head out. But it did not budge one bit, you felt it drag you away from the gate, supposedly into the corners of its cage, it brought it's long claws around, grabbing your arms and pinning them too your sides.  You were hopeless now and you may as well accept your fate as no one had the intention too save you. You were suddenly shoved deeper into the things mouth, it's arms pushing you in.  Hot  breath  again and again was huffed into you face, and it's tounge wrived under your body, twisting this way and that too taste you and cover you in a thick slime, supposedly making you easier too swallow. Your arms and shoulders were tightly bound too your sides by the creatures maw, and kicking your legs wouldn't do much so you gave in.  The indoraptor removed it's claws from your waist, instead rearing onto  its hind legs too tilt its head in a upward motion, as it swallowed you felt it's beastly neck muscles and saliva compress and push you inches down each time getting tighter and tighter, it was overwhelmingly hot, like you were wrapped in a thick slime  covered blanket in the middle of the hot summer beach.   Suddenly you head opened into a more spacious cavern of its body, and you felt in. It was still tight but not as much as the throat, as the walls of this fleshy room constantly moved and wriggled around you a strange looking hole opened, and you fell in.  What you fell into had too be the actual stomach cause it had much more room,  you could feel the repeating pulse of the raptors heart from down here, and the groans from the stomach itself. It was dark, but almost comfortable, your doom? Mabye but for now you were wrapped up in this soft gooey stomach.   You started too drift into your thoughts as the raptor curled up with its full belly with a satisfactory trill.


(It's up too you if you were digested or not 👍)

Demon Of Lockwood.  (Indoraptor Y/N Vore)Where stories live. Discover now