No more gods please

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Chapter 6

The boat swayed in a rocking position, giving a peaceful morning to everyone on board. The sun shone onto Deven, acting as a waking call to the young prince as Desi was off somewhere else, "5 more minutes" talking to no one but himself. The captain's shouts to his crew finally stirred him out of the sleeping beauty state.

"Could you be any louder?!" rolling his eyes at them, sadly none of them acknowledged his presence as the ship was bustling with new cargo prepared for his Homeland. "Did Desi leave me here with strangers?" Deven quickly left the deck before he could get squished by a box, "Do they know what stranger danger is-" his twirl ended sooner when Desi began eyeing him up.

"Stop staring at me like that, i might catch feelings baby" Deven attempted a lip bite but failed miserably. "Sorry darling won't happen again" Desi chuckled at the prince before pulling his hand. "Apparently there's a ball here" Deven sighed in frustration as dances were never his thing. "Desi we're not invited, lets just go" Desi stopped in what appears to be town square.

"Plus a ball here? This place is literally a desert" admiring the scenery was captivating as the exotics flowers flourished along with the trees that stood tall. "You 'literally' live in a kingdom ruled by a lovesick god shush" emphasising on 'literally "besides imagine the free food" Desi was begging for Devens approval "ANND you're dressed fancy enough, whos gonna know" Desi had a point and being out at sea for those 3 days made him feel sick at the sight of water.

"Fineeee i suppose" Desi was jumping around for joy, ignoring the glares of the townsfolk "YAY" realising the looks they were getting Desi awkwardly asked the closest person for directions. "It's just in the castle's gardens.. That's what papa said anyways" the girl who appeared 15 spoke with uncertainty, "But he's the majesty's General ,so don't blame me if it's wrong" she turned on her heel and walked the opposite direction while anger shone in her eyes.

"I swear if the ruler is another god, I will cry" Deven sighed with frustration refusing to repeat the past week. "Imagine if your parents were there" sending Desi death glares was easy but pulling on their hand was harder than he thought, "Lets just go".

Making their way to the castle steps was surprisingly long as the neverending heat never subsided. "Ugh finalllllllly" Deven almost passing out spoke out, "they should invent a moving floor"  Desi who was on the floor tried to crawl up the stairs. "Ah! So sorry, the weather hasn't been the greatest recently" the pair peered up to see a woman of beauty, her hair littered with flowers and her dress never seen before.

"I was just like you when I moved in with my beloved Costy, didn't go outside for an week"
Her voice gave a peaceful feeling almost like a siren. "Well come on, I don't want you melting on my stairs." she turned on her heel leaving the two to their thoughts. "Isn't that-" Desi began to talk only to be stopped "Haya, the goddess of love and I'm guessing Costy is the Goddess of the sea" Deven spoke as if he was narrating a love story.

"So you do know your stuff!" Desi had a cheeky grin while anticipating the response. "YOU BIT-" Desi ran inside while laughing like a lunatic as Deven raced after him. The hallways were unexpectedly colourful and almost full of life. "Where are they? hmph" Deven lost within the walls of an unfamiliar place, walking around while humming in frustration he came upon a mural.

It was almost moving like flowing with the wind. Showing the love of two deities with separate morals, like the sun and moon. Waves crash, almost reaching for the woman on land while the other floats upon water. "Sheesh! they love each other too much"

A series of laughter is heard from the other side of the building, almost sounding like the lunatic from minutes ago. Darting towards the direction ended with a pair of doors, sunshine coming through the cracks. Like a spell the doors opened without a single touch revealing a garden of roses. "Took ya long enough" twirling around hunting for the voice only to find Desi vibing at the food tables. "Not my fault! You run like it's the end of the world" grumbling at the taller person.

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