A Song for You

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"I know your image of me isn't what I hope to be. I've treated you unkindly. There's no one more important to me. So darlin', won't you please see through me?"- Donny Hathaway, A Song for You


"Where's my son?" Regina breathily panicked while entering the emergency room. She hadn't been able to find Henry anywhere and she was running out of places to look when she got the call from the hospital.

She didn't want to believe it. In fact, she was choosing not to. It was a freak accident, a divine coincidence set forth to make Regina panic. Her heart was beating out of her chest and then she felt a strong, yet slender hand forcefully pull her by the arm.

The shorter woman couldn't see who had grabbed her, but she had a guess based on the visions she was coming in and out of. She saw lazy mornings making breakfast for three people rather than two. An image of Emma under a sheet, almost as if they were in their own private blanket fort, filled her mind. Almost as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared as she felt herself being hurled through the air.

Her body made contact with a cold, metal shelf. Before she could fully turn around, Emma was in her space again, grabbing her harshly. As the taller woman began yelling about her doing something Regina's vision blurred again and glimpses of a supposed future filled her mind. The blonde in her visions was vastly different from the blonde she was in the room with.

"What the hell are you doing?!" The brunette screamed before her back slammed into another cold, metal surface. This surface however did not give way like the shelf had. Pain shot up Regina's back as her mind was going back and forth between reality and visions. Her face grew red at the similar moment her mind was playing. Emma had her body pressed firmly against her in this vision, but the room was filled with a different energy.

She felt offended by the vision, but also worked up. She was choosing to blame the adrenaline of the fight she had been thrust into and it became easier to root herself in the present reality rather than the 'future'.

"Stop this! My son..." She pleaded before her eyes met the angry green orbs of Emma. She was briefly transported to a moment where the blonde's eyes were not burning with pain and resentment, rather alive with something unfamiliar to Regina. She didn't have a chance to ponder if it was love because she snapped back to reality when she felt the cold skin of Emma's wrist pressed against her throat.

"Is sick because of you!" The blonde was screaming, and Regina was just trying to process everything that was happening. With the surprise assault she had been distracted from the reason she was here in the first place. Her son. Henry. "That apple turnover you gave me, he ate it!"

Emma's last three words cut through the air between the two women. Confusion and anger halted for a brief moment, both of them feeling the weight of Henry's current state pulling them into a painful reality. Regina felt as if everything in her body came to a screeching halt. She couldn't be surprised, she knew if Emma thought Storybrooke was about to no longer be home a visit to their son would be the next step.

"What?" The brunette breathed out, just above a whisper. Her deep brown eyes searched Emma's face for some sign of wavering. She wanted this to be a joke, a ploy that the blonde and Henry concocted to get her to admit the truth and that the curse was real. Finding only truth in the younger woman's face, panic began to stir within Regina. "It was meant for you!"

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