Chapter 9, Part 1

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Someone to You

"I just wanna be somebody to someone." -Someone to You, Banners

Time seemed frozen within the walls of her bathroom. A sense of groundedness had blanketed over her, but even still she was sure that gravity ceased to exist. Two slender arms were wrapped firmly around her waist and if Emma were to let go she was positive she'd float away.

The two women hadn't even moved out of the tub after they had both finished. Instead, they shuffled into a comfortable position. Emma moved to lean her back against the wall of the tub and Regina moved to turn the faucet on. She had quickly shuffled into Emma's arms when the water ran cold. They hunkered together for a few minutes until it warmed up, not saying much of anything, just enjoying the close proximity to one another.

After stopping the tub drain and letting the water fill the tub, Regina had comfortably settled back into Emma's arms. Not a word had been uttered between the two, but the silence wasn't awkward. Occasionally, they'd share a giggle here or there, but other than that they had just let the comfortable silence envelop them.

"This is nice." Emma was the first to break the silence. As the woman spoke her slender, pale arms drew tighter around Regina.

"Mmm." Regina hummed in reply. "This is perfect." She couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. She almost sounded intoxicated- and maybe she was. The blonde was all around her and it felt like every sense she had was filled with Emma.

"Was I able to satisfy you, your highness?" Emma joked and Regina playfully slapped her arm.

"More than, Miss Swan." She chuckled and then broke the act. "Was it good for you too, Em?" She attempted to crank her neck back to look at the woman, but didn't get very far because of their position.

"Was it good?" Emma retorted, almost incredulously. Regina could tell that the woman's eyebrows were almost up to her hairline by the tone in her voice. "It was amazing, Regina. I've never cum that much in my life."

In retrospect, it was probably good that the blonde couldn't see the small, smug smirk that had nestled onto Regina's face.

"That wasn't even my best work." She teased as her fingers danced across the arms that encircled her. Emma gasped somewhat playfully, but then paused. Regina could feel the blonde's cock stir behind her and press into the small of her back. A sultry chuckle came from deep within her chest, but she just settled back into Emma's embrace.

"Well...if you're teasing me about having even better sex... Can I assume this will happen again?" Emma hesitantly questioned. Regina's eyebrows scrunched in confusion. She hadn't even considered not continuing to have sex with Emma. Realizing she had been far too presumptuous she stiffened a bit. "If not, that's totally-" The blonde began to ramble, but was cut off.

"I absolutely want this to happen again." Regina asserted. "I want this to happen many more...agains..." The last part came out as a question, because she couldn't think of any better words to articulate her thoughts. She gathered herself before continuing. As she began to speak, she let her fingers dance across the blonde's skin again. "I really enjoyed being with you Emma. In every way, but especially what we just did. I've always wanted to be around you, but now it's like I feel this...all-consuming need to be near you. It isn't always hyper-sexual, of course, but I can't even tell you how many pairs of panties I've ruined in the last three days." She joked, but it was a dampened version of the truth. She was enamored by the blonde and had ruined all of her panties.

"I get that." Emma chuckled. "And I agree. I can't even tell you how much I want you, Regina." The arms that encircled her grew tighter. "I just didn't want to assume it was the same for you, but I'm glad to hear that it is."

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