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You had parked the car in the middle of the desert and turned the headlights on. You, Marc, and Layla began to attempt to fabrics in hand.

"Any luck?" You watched Layla and Marc work, searching your bag for anything that may help you.

"Not a one," Marc replied, frowning down at the pieces in his hand.

"Okay, where is my sandwich?" you muttered under your breath, searching deep under your bag.

"A bird stole it," Heka replied, seated on top of the car, while Khonshu was kneeling on it.

"This bird?" you pointed at Khonshu.

"Very amusing, Y/N," Khonsu deadpanned at you, and shoved Heka to the side with his staff when he coughed a laugh.

"Try that," Marc handed Layla a piece of the puzzle.

"Maybe, actually," Layla prompted hopefully, using tape to place them together on the trunk.

"This one?"

"Uh—No. Anything else?" she looked up at him, not seeing the pattern in the pieces she placed together.

"I'm not getting any whole constellations. It's just little pieces and fragments," He slammed his hands down on the trunk, startling you and Layla. He threw his hands up, walked to the other end of the trunk, and leaned his arms on it, "This is gonna take forever," he ran his hands through his curly hair.

"Marc, we need Steven," Layla spoke carefully, "He understands all of this. I really think it's worth giving him a shot,"

"We summon the gods, you summon the worm," Khonshu looked down at him, "He won't return the body,"

"Marc, we can't wait. It's okay, just let go,"

The man grunted in frustration, spinning in his place and ripping off the left mirror of the car.

Sighing, he collected the pieces in his hand, walking a bit away from you and Layla. He lifted up a small mirror up and stared into it, "All right, go ahead. You're in,"

There was a minuscule shift in his face, "Cheers, thanks a lot," Steven nodded at the mirror. He dropped it and got to working on the pieces immediately.

"All right. Yeah. Here we go," he kneeled down and placed the needed pieces together, "Don't need that," he tossed away one, "I don't need that,"

Watching his demeanor change, you and Layla slowly began to walk toward him and once you were both near him, you kneed down next to Steven while Layla did the same on your other side.

"Steven?" You called out uncertainly.

Steven turned towards you, gazing into you for a couple of moments, before he snapped out of it, "Egyptians invented modern navigation," he ripped a piece of tape with his teeth, placing it onto the fabric, "There's not a lot of landmarks in the desert. So they came up with a way to get about using the sun and the stars. It's bloody genius, isn't it?"

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 {𝕞•𝕜﹠ 𝕝•𝕗} ➣ ❘ [𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓𝕶𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗]Where stories live. Discover now