. M A R R I E D .

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To everyone who is confused as to why I'm not replying to your comments or private messages, is because it keeps saying I need to update my email. And I do but it didn't work, so I changed it but it still doesn't work.

Buttt there will be a happy ending . 1000%

My grammar fucking sucks

Not edited x

It's my wedding day,

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It's my wedding day,

That's right. It's been exactly 3 weeks since that article, the wedding got pushed back.

We've had no threats about grey, thank the lord.

So hear I am, waiting for my papa to walk in so I can get married.

I think I look beautiful, my dress is big, diamonds and lace. My hair is in a low messy kind of bun thing. And my makeup is flawless. a natural eye, with a sparkling cut Creese ,a red lip. And I'm ready to go.

Dad walks in and just stares his eyes watering, fuck he's crying. " if this was under better circumstances, I think I could be happy. But I'm sending my baby girl to Italy." Fuck, No I'm about to cry.

When do I not?.......

I can't I'll ruin my make up. But we'll visit every time we can,
" well visit you every chance we get, and I'll call you" I tell him and he gives me one of his famous bear hugs.
I think his and Vanni's are my favourite.

Speaking of him, he walks through the door." Your not supposed to see the bride before the wedding, it's bad luck" my father tells him after stepping back. " my full life is bad luck Mr.Knight" he said with a small frown.

" right I'll leave you then" with that my dad walked out, leaving us here. Before I know it a single tear leaked down all the way to my neck. Vanni rushed over grabbing the sides of my face saying," please don't cry, I hate seeing you cry," he wipes my check and neck,

I sniffle, and shake my head quickly.
"Why are you crying?" I hear his ask, and I let out a shaky breath "were moving to Italy, and then I won't get to see my dad, or gia." I tell him and his eyes soften.

"I have a private jet, I can fly you out anytime you wanna see any of your family" he told me with the smallest smile, I take a breath and nod.

"You look gorgeous by the way" I let out a small giggle at his change of mood, and smile at him in thanks.

"Right I'll see you at he church?" I let out a laugh and look at him," what are you laughing at?" He asked and I shake my head,

"I'll see you then"he nods his head then walks out. I'm so fucking emotional all the time, why.

I think I'm due my period.


{~ G I O V A N N I ~}

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{~ G I O V A N N I ~}

I watch as she walks to me with her arm linking her father's,

pretty, pretty girl.

I can't believe she actually agreed to marry me. She finally reached me, holding on two my hand as I help her up the little stairs.

She gives me a small smile when I lift her vail over her head.

Her makeup is pretty, her hair is pretty. I love her hair. Her eyes are pretty, she's fuckin' pretty. All of her.

I smile back, then the Priest starts his talk,

"Do you Arianna baby knight, take Giovanni sage black to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold through sickness and in health for richer and for poorer from this day forward"

"I do,"

"Do you Giovanni sage black, take Arianna baby knight to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health , for richer and for poorer from this day forward till death does you part"

"I do,"

"You may kiss-"
My hands on the side of her head, my lips on her's, her small hand barely touching my jaw.

I'm kissing her, holy fucking shit.

" Mr and Mrs Black!"

We pull away and I smile at her, she just stares at me with wide eyes. That makes me laugh. "Come on, Darling" I tell her, holding her hand, as we walk back out of the church.

We're married. Wow, I'm married.

There was the pebbles of tulips thrown at us as we walked out the doors and in to the car.

She looks so shocked "I'm married, fucking shit balls" she mumbled looking out the window,

" Where's, the little princess?" I break her out of her thoughts and her head snaps to me.

" she's with papa, I haven't been able to spend time with her for ages. I feel like shit over it" she tells me with a frown, and her eyes closed.

I think she's tired.

" you sleepy?" She only nods her head but then opens her eyes and looks over at me "but it's my wedding day, I'm supposed to be lively and happy. But to be honest, I'm really not.
I feel like shit, I haven't spent time with my daughter with in the last week. The word went out about her and I know, i just know that if it reaches my mama's murder, my baby girl is going to be in so much danger. And if something happens to her, I'm going to kill every single person on this planet to find her."

She looks so drained, mentally and emotionally.

"How about we cut the cake, do all are dancing, then go home"

"Home right now is with my baby, and I feel like I'm being really unfair, vanni" she replied and my eyes soften,

She's not being unfair, she really isn't.

" your not being unfair, shooting star." She smiles before looking back out the window.


So thats what we did,

We got to the reception and danced. We cut the cake then left.

She ended up getting changed, only in to some shorts and a top. She's now got her head on my lap as Ria lays sleeping on her chest with my blazer around her.

I place a light kiss to the both there foreheads before closing my eyes and letting the sleep consume me.....


So I said I would update soon, buttttttt what ever is going on with me is fucking up my mind.

I'm always tired, like literally.
I just wanna sleep, and when I try I can't.

But anyway I will try to update as soon as possible sorry if it's a little to late.

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Word Count: 1109

Extra love🤍🧸

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