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4 of the 5 girls sat squashed together on a chair, while iggie, the remaining one, leant against the wall lazily.

they were outside sister michael's office and james had wandered off to god knows where.

'it wasn't bullying. it was attempted bullying.'

'what if we get expelled?'

'nobody ever actually gets expelled. wanda gallagher hasn't been expelled and she's in the ira!'

'so that's probably why.'

james wandered back to the group from wherever he was, iggie smiling slightly at the sight of the english boy.

'i can't find the boys toilets anywhere.'

'it's an all girls school, dickface. there are no boys toilets.'

'so should i just use the girls toilets?'

'no you should not, you fucking pervert!'

'come on, 'chelle, take it easy. james, ask sister michael if you can use the staff toilets.'

james smiled gratefully at indigo, michelle glancing between the two suspiciously.

'girls, i really don't feel great. i feel sort of shaky, i think my blood sugar is dangerously low.'

'seriously, will you just have a mars bar? iggie never eats and you don't see her complaining.'

james seemed to be the only one that really caught the second half of erin's rebuttal, glancing curiously at the tired looking meadows girl.

'what about kamal?'

'fuck kamal!'

iggie inspected her nails, her back staring to hurt from leaning against the hard wood.

a chair was heard scraping against the floor and clare reached her hands out in front of all of the girls, managing to reach far enough to grasp iggie's wrist.

'look, whatever happens in there, we have to stick together, okay? we have to back each other up!'


'so it had nothing to do with me! yes, okay i was there, i admit that, but i didn't do anything. it was michelle, it was all michelle! i'm not going down for something i didn't do! if anyone deserves to get punished, it should be michelle.'

there was a deafening silence in the room after clare's outburst, everyone staring at her in slight disgust.

'well firstly, i think it's safe to say we all just lost a bit of respect for you there, clare. secondly, before we continue, indigo is there a reason for the non school uniform jumper?'

the meadows girl stiffened as all eyes fell on her, her nails scratching harshly at her inner arm.

' well- uh it was enzo's, you see and i hoped i'd be able to wear it because it's still our school colours and i don't really have anything left-'

'that's fine, indigo. you're permitted to wear it moving forward. now, this is just so disappointing, girls. i mean, threatening a first year.'

james tuned out the conversation slightly as he glanced at indigo's arm, turning an angry red as her fingernails anxiously dug in.

who's enzo? and why is she so jumpy all the time?

he felt bad for the girl, thinking back to erin's harsh comments about her dislike for loud noises and the possibility of her not eating properly.

WHOS THAT CHICK ? - james maguire ! Where stories live. Discover now