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later on, the mallon household got a phone call. james picked up.


'james? uh, can you put michelle on the phone, please?'

it was indigo. her voice was gravelly, more hoarse than usual.

'y-yeah. is everything alright? you can come over if you need to.'

'thanks, james, really. just put michelle on, please.'


he listened a moment more as she sniffled, letting out a slight cough before michelle shoved him out of the way, taking the phone.

he tried to listen in to the one side of the conversation that he could hear, however he didn't get much out of it, only that indigo was upset about something or other, and michelle was extremely angry because of whatever was upsetting indigo.

'iggie's coming over in ten, and then we're going to get a chippy with the rest, okay?'

he nodded, wordlessly.

ten minutes later, he rushed to get the door as the doorbell went off. he yanked it open, staring at the girl that he was faced with on the other side of the door.

her hair was in two messy braids, the coloured strands peeking through the brown. her nose was red, a contrast to the now visible bags under her eyes that were usually hidden by makeup, and her pale skin. her freckles stood out more than usual, and her hands were shakier than usual.

she wore a baggy jumper, knitted with some kind of pattern, that hung down to her mid thighs over the black leggings that she had on, the same green converse from school on her feet.


her tone made the hair on his arms raise, he worried about her despite her constantly positive outward appearance, and he knew that right now she was being extremely vulnerable and he wondered if she meant for him to open the door, to see her like this.

'a-are you okay?'

his voice was quiet and iggie could've started sobbing then and there, she couldn't think of the last time someone genuinely asked her that question.

she nodded, avoiding his eyes. he hesitantly decided not to say any more, stepping to the side to let her in.

just as he turned to walk further into the house, she spoke up.

'actually, can- can i have a hug?'

he was still facing her, a look of shock came over his face and she almost stepped away, cursing herself for asking.

'of course.'

the girl let out a sigh of relief, her arms wrapping around his neck, his around her waist. she rested her cheek against the soft material of his jumper, one or two tears slipping out.

his hand rubbed her back gently, and he frowned at how little of her there seemed to be. his chin rested on her head, and she sighed, as though she had finally found some contentment.

'im sorry that you have to see me like this. i thought michelle was going to answer the door.'

'it's okay, r-really. i want to help you as best i can, if you'll let me.'

'i'd like that.'

they stayed, embracing, for a few moments more, before they heard michelle shouting down the stairs.

'oi, is iggie here yet? could've sworn i heard the door just now.'

they both chuckled, pulling away. iggie wiped her eyes quickly, embarrassed. james smiled at her, finding himself feeling less awkward around her than he does any of the other girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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