Chapter 01

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A few months earlier
          My alarm by the nightstand began to ring. This phone does not know how to shut up huh? I look at the time, the brightness slightly blinding me, and it read 7:28 A.M. Time to take a shower...

I pull a dark-blue, long sleeve turtleneck over my head. The damn towel made it almost impossible, but I managed— I hate wet hair touching my back. I grab my hair into a loose ponytail and pick up my school bag near the bed. I quickly walk out of my front door or else I'm going to be late for school. While locking it, a man stepped out of the apartment next to mine. I thought no one lived there? He looks over his shoulder and makes eye contact with me.

"Shit. I'm sorry for staring like a creep. I was just surprised because I thought no one lived there," I nervously apologized.

"I barely moved in two days ago. You must've not seen me unpacking my stuff." His voice was a bit deep and had no emotion whatsoever. His figure was skinny, but still looked healthy and fit; however, his skin was very pale and his hair is a whole different level. Let's just say it's very attractive.

"I didn't. I've been busy with school work," I wave my schoolbag, "I'm sorry, but I have to go. Let's talk some more...?"

"Lee Dong-Wook," he held out his hand.

"Inaya," I shake his hand and smile. Nice grip and very attractive hands too. Is there nothing attractive about this man?

"Goodbye Inaya," he nods and walks down the hall. I stay still for a good minute before going down the elevator.

          I walk inside the library, close to slipping on ice, but I saved myself from embarrassment. I scan the open room for my friends and see them in our usual spot; I quickly pace towards them.

"Morning," Mason smiles at me while doing an assignment on his laptop.

"Finally! What took you so long to get here?" Abigail complains.

"I was talking to a neighbor who got the apartment next to mine," I sit next to Abigail.

"Was he hot?" She questions.

"That's the first question you ask?" Mason sounds annoyed.

"It's just a question nerd," Abigail glares at him.

"You're acting like a high schooler," Sophie says out of nowhere. She was so quiet I didn't know she was here.

"Where's Drake?" I ask them, trying to change the subject.

"He said he wanted to introduce us to someone and left," Mason says closing his laptop, "Here he is."

I look up to find Drake and my neighbor.

Wait, my neighbor!?

"Hey, this is Lee Dong-Wook. We've been friends for some time and he came to the U.S." Drake smiles wildly as if he accomplished something huge.

"Hey," everyone responds except for me.

Dong-Wook looks at me and gives a small smile, "I know you."

"You do?" Drake sounds surprised.

"We're neighbors," I shyly say. This is so awkward.

"Ahh..." Abigail smirks and offers, "Come sit."

Dong-Wook sits next to me. Everyone talks about their weekend when he whispers to me, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

I widen my eyes and shake my head, "Oh no. I just think it's funny how much of this is a coincidence."

Sophie interrupts in a bored tone, "Maybe it's fate."

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